
If a Republican done this about Hillary you would be screaching bloody murder about hate filled right wingers.

If a Sanders supporter had done this about Hillary you would be screaming at the top of your lungs about basement dwelling “BernieBros”...nevermind the fucking sexism involved in assuming the genders of all

Yes but that’s true with a lot of girls.

You’re right, that’s so much worse than slut shaming rape victims like Hillary did.


I’d have loved it more if so many key plot points had made more than zero sense.

That. It doesn’t matter how great the system is(the Vita was amazing hardware) if you don’t capitalize on the system’s capabilities with good games.

I mean hell. There any number of games out there which could have benefited from it. Just look at what Epic Games did with Infinity Blade.

Bullshit. I’m a GA and the college freshman at my university ( the # ranked school in its area) can barely string a coherent sentence together.

So how do you feel about the rape victims that Hillary Clinton bullied into silence?

No, you don’t have the right to propagate sexism for attention. It’s called equality.

She’s hurting every woman out there. Her show perpetuates the idea that women should be judged based on being sexually provocative and rewarded for objectifying themselves.

Funny. You don’t seem to give a flying shit about the millions of dollars that Hillary and her corporate donors funneled into online smear campaign designed to destroy Bernie Sanders.

But I guess you don’t really have a problem with fascism as long as they call themselves Democrats right?

And now Obama too. Obama’s done a lot to protect the Bush legacy of blood. When you wash the blood from a murderer’s hands you get some on your own hands.

It’s called basic social awareness. You can’t “teach” that to someone really, you can only teach them specific behaviors which is kind of like trying to plug one hole in a sponge.

Not going to happen though. He’s very careful to avoid using curse words directed at a female and instead opts for more circular insults.

Typical for a politician. When will you EVER hear them admit to being wrong? They

Read the emails. Hillary was deeply involved and they were askign her to do it because the Israelis felt that Assad posed a military threat.

Let’s pretend those emails didn’t exist for a second. Either Hillary was involved because she know....doing her job as secretary of state being involved in a major

If Politifact says it, then it must be true!!

Shitting on her black supporters? How the fuck do you reach that conclusion?

SHE WAS A CLOSE ASSOCIATE WITH A KKK KLEAGLE. That alone should disqualify her from running.

You don’t know the half of it. I have a good friend who interned on her staff back in the 2008 campaign and they said she’d routinely go into screaming fits. Her favorite insult to black staffers was to call them “fucking niggers”.

You mean MSNBC? The network that decided to try to destroy America’s first chance at a true socialist president while propping up a corrupt, ailing, corporate shill?

Competent experienced policy work like sending the CIA to arm and train “syrian rebels” because the terrorist state of Israel asked her to?