
I got plenty of issues with the Epic Games store but man that is not the fucking point here. An indie developer was utterly and viciously harassed over the weekend for no good reason and all you can say is how people don’t get why you hate EGS? Fucking hell, dude. Get some god damned perspective and GROW THE FUCK UP!

To add a bit of commentary here, “he started it” doesn’t work as an excuse in middle school, I’m not sure why it’s allowed to work on the Internet.

I said everything I needed or wanted to say about the entitlement that informs EGS rage (and no, I’m not an EGS fan—but come the fuck on) in the previous story on Ooblets.

The only thing I feel a need to add at this point is: if a person’s argument in defense of issuing death threats/sexist epithets/mocked-up photos

What’s the point of getting into all the “wrongs” of Epic Games or EGS when at a mere whisper of either people like you leap at the opportunity to list them out? Stay bent

Dude.... This article wasn’t even about Epic man. It was about the indie studio and how they have been harassed to no end for simply doing the smart choice of taking an exclusivity deal that’s beneficial for them. It’s easy to talk about integrity and not selling out, but making games is fucking hard man.

But...but...I have to open up more than one program!

I’ve tried. They bitch and moan about friends lists, or other features of steam they think are important. And i’m over here, like you, wondering what the big deal is.

I’m just here for the comments where someone tries to defend NOT installing a free client that doesn’t effect them in the least, and how I’m the idiot for not seeing “the truth”.

“Internet hate mob abuse” == “snarky attitude”?

The snark is there, but like, is it REALLY there? How much of this is the sensitive fee-fees of people who just REALLY want this to be on one store front to save some finger clicks and won’t admit they are fanboys of another product?

It is possible to disapprove of Epic’s exclusivity practices—and to be disappointed that a game you’ve been looking forward to has become an EGS exclusive (almost certainly for a period of no more than a year)—without resorting to shitting all over devs who decide to take the deal.

This is especially true of faking

I’m beginning to wonder if perhaps it isn’t the healthiest thing in the world for people to wrap their entire identity and core of their being around the act of consumption of a specific product.

I’m just taking a stab in the dark that these self described Gamers™ and Consumers™ would probably benefit from backing


Fuck me gamers are dumb as shit. This stuff isn’t important guys. It’s not worth sending death threats over. There are actual problems in the world beyond what digital store you have to buy your game in. Get the fuck over it.

1) Buy game.

I think some (not all) of your opinions and stance on the game is uninformed. But oh well, whatever

lol, yeah definitely hasn’t played the game in the last year.

So wait, you're trashing a movie you already stated you didn't want to see based on the actions of a completely unrelated theater chain that, as someone else pointed out probably had that information available to you? And that you didn't end up seeing? Way to stick it to the Hollywood elite. 

Honestly... suck it the fuck up.
The whole damn engine is rebuilt, every single pokemon has to be remade, reanimated, reprogrammed, balanced, etc. On top of that, the more detailed and complex everything becomes, the more time needs to be dedicated to each and every pokemon.
And doing it for well over 1000 pokemon is