Why do I get the feeling that the GoP have these strict immigration policies in place so that they can promise undocumented workers safety, a job and criminally low wages for the businesses they run/own/have investments in.
Why do I get the feeling that the GoP have these strict immigration policies in place so that they can promise undocumented workers safety, a job and criminally low wages for the businesses they run/own/have investments in.
It isn’t complex to have a mission ask you to make food and deliver it to an npc.
I have a shallow understanding of how games can work on different platforms than the ones I expect so therefor they can't possibly do that. Also known as, "I'm a sociopath on the internet." Do us all a favor and grow some insight and understanding of other people's situations to find ways that others can enjoy games…
Wow, someone never played the game and is a whiny bitch.
This man is going to unveil his own personal social media site dedicated for bigots and racists. Just saying.
No what you were doing is entering “intellectual discourse,” for the sake of, “intellectual discourse,” on a topic that is a waste of time for everyone. Anyone who believes that a companies personal decision to change art on a card is worth outrage is a complete moron who has never suffered a minute or their life. It…
Why are you scared of the change of card art. This happens all the time. LITERALLY ALL THE TIME. So why is everyone such a coward and terrified that this thing they like changes SOME CARD ART! Oh no!! My childhood. Clutch my pearls! The world has gone to shit but no big deal BECAUSE THEY REMOVED MY VIDYA GAME TITTIES!
Except for the fact that changing a card so as not to sexualized it to reach a broader market is not in any wya related to running people over tanks because of rhetoric. Various countries, the u.s. Included have a variety of different standards and practices that are required for a product to be released. This is not…
Except they aren’t doing so because of a mandate from China. Read the article instead of being mad about some faux outrage about a company's decision to change something that they have every right to change. Or not.. Whatever.
Thank you! Everything is not black and white and there are moments when something is worth the outcry of censorship... being denied an erection is not one of them. The nuance of context and how actions effect others is important. China destroying a video game company because it has a picture of whinnie the pooh in it…
And the distinction there is your example deals with body autonomy of a living breathing human being. This is a marketing and business decision that does not directly effect the personal freedoms of an individual. So you know... Fuck off.
There is an important distinction to make on what needs to change to be available in a market. Changing visuals like skimpy clothing or language is not a big deal, but removing any criticism of the government or removing recognition of Taiwan as an independent nation is. But you know what, some people are too stupid…
I want to stress in all caps, "A DEVELOPER'S DECISION TO CHANGE ASSETS OF ITS OWN PRODUCT IS NOT CENSORSHIP!" People are so fucking stupid.
Wrong, back in the day you were limited by what platform your internet was from like AOL and even further by clients like MPlayer. Mid to late 90s was far worse than what we have now because online gaming was exclusive to certain platforms and at an extra subscription cost.
I think this is going to be the most likely case. Looks like link is gonna have some magic stuff going on and Zelda will definitely have tackled the sheikah slate. Gonna be some goooood puzzles in this one.
Nah, we have a set date and a game that looks like a lot of big changes have been implemented so we know it is worth the wait. If it was same old animal crossing and we had that delay there would be some belly aching.
That looked a lot like a Cutscene to represent gameplay to me. We will see when we get some footage from the booths.
I am with you and I am a very optimistic person. Not a lot of surprises, some quality games in there, but we are at the point with those that we can't really be surprised. Lots of CG trailers, it was a bit disappointing. It is the year before new consoles, so it is a bit to be expected but... Man...
Was this really our first look at this game? It seemed more like our first look at some cutscenes. I was not hyped at all and that made me a little sad. I wanted to be excited
You have your priorities straight. Imma fuck that duck!