
They key to capturing an old mmo’s magic is not by recreating the grind, but by creating those stakes, and by creating a world that isn’t efficient. Add elements to the world that are completely unnecessary, but make up the beauty of the game. I look to vanilla everquest as a world as my guide (certainly not it’s

Yeah it is far worse if a person does that without talking to you guys and screws your crew over. Trolling without rhyme or reason is the worst.

Hi. I think it is important to note that the game is primarily a co-op game. If the person did not want to interact with another person, they have the option to play solo and not be matched with others. It is not a point of saying, “I am important look at me.” It is merely a matter of being acknowledged as a team mate

You are absolutely right that I could have and probably should have just tried a different game, but sea of thieves brings things out of people! That mischievous side.

Thank you! I love me some cheesy fmv games

The messages asked to politely ring the bell on the ship or to simply say ahoy, or to play an instrument to no avail. I messaged them in the Xbox app as well and told him I would specifically do this to no response. Again, yes it was a dick move very much out of my character and take full responsibiloty for that.

I messaged in the Xbox app, used text chat so that it appears in game for a whopping 20 minutes. I am not saying I am justified in doing it. I could have just joined a different game and left him be. It was a dick move, but if he didn’t want to play with another crew member he should have played solo.

I definitely have done some dick moves as a righteous indignation. I came into a game with an in-session player. A 2 man sloop with a guy who was pounding out chests. Our hold was filled with a good 15 chests and skulls and a few explosive barrels. I tried to engage with the player and he was unresponsive. He never

When doing skeleton bounty quests, there are a variety of skeleton types. The Bush skeletons are invincible in water, gold skeletons need to get wet to rust and then be shot in order to die and there are also ghost skeletons which need to be exposed to light to be hurt, be it sunlight or lantern light. Not to mention

Yes. 3 months down the line for cosmetic items only and zero lootboxes and keys and all that nonsense. There is nothing wrong with that plan.

You are an idiot. How does having a game using no microtransactions and no lootboxes be a free to play model? Why is everything cosmetic? Because the game needs to be accessible to create longevity. As time progresses there is no barrier to entry as you won’t enter a game world with people who are super powered by

I do not blame you for it not clicking with you. The game really is meant for going outside of your comfort zone and engage with people socially. It really is a game that you get out what you put in. It rewards risk taking and a loss of treasure is not a failure state. It is a different type of game that won’t appeal

Sea of thieves open beta started today so I will be playing that and helping folks learn the game and have a blast. One of, if not the most fun game I have ever played in my over 30 years in gaming.

Does Nintendo get a trophy for having the oddest things accredited to their hardware? GameBoys surviving bomb blasts, Switches finding tumors, Wii remotes used to train surgeons.

This is a great question! So, early in the testing phase that was a definite concern, but the team had implemented new mechanics and tools to help make ship combat more interesting. You can drop explosive barrels into the water to fend off chasing ships now. Also, the inclusion of the rifle weapon has made combat

Didn’t this same type of shenanigans happen last year when a Trump tweet essentially admitted to a crime and then the lawyer was like, “Actually I wrote that tweet for him so it isn’t illegal.”

The world is completely open PvP, which some may see as bad, but it heightens that level of risk-reward. Do you risk doing more missions without turning things in so that you can beat out the encroaching storms? You go to turn things in and see a ship. Do you risk them being friendly or do you move to another outpost

It does... in the final product. It does not... in the demo. I am near the end of chapter 3 and it is VERY good, albeit it flawed. The camera is a pain in the butt and the combat is simple, but outside of that I absolutely adore the game.

I can attest that sea of thieves runs great on a crappy old px. My computer is 5 years old with just a recent ram upgrade to 16gb and it runs it super duper smooth!

Having played the game extensively, I would describe the game like this... you as a pirate have a series of organizations that offer different types of quests. Some are treasure hunting, using a map x-marks-the-spot style or solving riddles tgat reference landmarks while others are skeleton captain assassination jobs