What Xhr1s said. There’s a big, big difference between being a true psycho/sociopath and just being an asshole.
What Xhr1s said. There’s a big, big difference between being a true psycho/sociopath and just being an asshole.
There’s also the fact that they get a lot of their ideas from TV, movies, etc. According to a news piece I heard/saw/whatever (I think it was NPR?) the average American has 2-4 sexual partners in their lifetime. The average creative and/or famous person (such as a screenwriter) might double that to 4-8. The average…
Nah, there’s a few psychopaths in the mix, but most of them are victims of con-men, trying to sell them on “Invest in my highly effective pick-up system, and get laid hourly by sexy vaginas. Buy the book! Buy the DVD!” and/or regular, lonely people trying it out of a sense of misguided desperation because it looks…
I mean...I agree with you, but I feel compelled to point out that we’re both (probably) not psychopaths. Failing to empathize with others is sort of their whole deal.
Oh I see. Thanks for the clarification
Yeah, but that's just because you couldn't get the one you wanted. If they had a vagina then they'd be able to find SOMEONE to put a dick in it. Because that's what's important. Genitals. Not human connection or actual affection and caring or God forbid, love. You get to be choosy with your genitals while theirs are…
I wonder about this too. Like, it blows my mind that Elliott Rodger had a sister. How is it possible that someone living in the same home as a teenage girl wouldn’t see that they go through all the same stresses and struggles that boys do? Sure, it looks kind of different in some ways, but I have to assume that’s…
No, but the guys THINK it has because the only woman they’re willing to acknowledge as human/equal to them are the incredibly hot women who, very generally speaking, probably do have an easier time finding dates and relationships. These types of guys are fixated on the hottest 10% of women, while simultaneously…
The fact that women get rejected too gets in the way of their “Poor me, I’m just a nice guy” pity party.
It just saddens me because there are so many women out there who feel rejected or lonely or sad because they’re single but I have never met a woman who managed to take “I’m sad because I’m single” to the conclusion, “Men are the problem for rejecting me and I must take violent revenge on them.” There are examples of…
Yet the MRA crowd take it as proof men are the real victims. Like men get laughed at all the time but bitches are barely ever shot!
Yup, they figure that a woman could date/have sex with any guy as long as she lowered her standards and risked her safety (because obviously women should not be allowed personal choices in who she dates/sleeps with). But of course men should be handed — never have to work for — a traditionally hot model and never have…
not to mention, men are only allowed to feel anger or lust. They can’t be crybabies or too excited about anything or happy or anything except angry and lustful.
I don’t know how old you are, but that was my experience in high school 2005-2009. I had my first kiss in college at 18 and I went to a tech school full of other nerds who mostly experienced the same thing.
Yes, but the menz are entitled to a woman. We shouldn’t expect to ever have a man, and if we do, we are so incredibly lucky one of them picked us! So if a man doesn’t get what he’s been expecting all his life, well of course he’s going to get angry/sullen and not hold his emotions!
I’m surprised someone hasn’t tried to give the whole “girls don’t sleep with me so I’m murderous” thing a name in the hopes of legitimizing it. Like testicular retention induced psychosis. Or a friendlier sounding “He had a case of the jizzblocked cranial crazies.”
All I can think of is the Louis CK bit about how the #1 killer of women isn’t anything like cancer or heart disease—it’s men.
My cousin posted this on Facebook today, linking to this article about how the poor menz are not getting good jobs and attracting “mates.”
Margaret Atwood was on point when she said,