
They're in major trouble over the next decade. The crowing excitement of 'winning state legislatures' is a short-term benefit in empty states. 2010 allowed them to favorably redistrict themselves into power. 2020 will push them out of power in several states and 4 more years of aging republican base gone.

True! He's actually interesting to listen to. But his policies are just awful. :(

I totally think there are excess spending in certain areas and the junkets they get to go on while bringing their favorite friends and such can be wasteful. But there isn't big savings to find in these pocket change issues.

HAH! I did, it was in conveyance of the original argument. I'm not sure I would actually call Cruz stupid, I think he's shrewd and intelligent, but a terrible human being on so many levels. It's more like this, he is emotionally and interpersonally stupid but a very capable human being as a lawyer and political

I never used the word stupid, I said being a competent politician. His policies are awful.

It's not genuine bad faith in the sense that I think their motivations are honest but the research is in and indisputable. They're really really wrong about most everything. Yet they double down and do what they want.

I'm pretty sure you're not rich enough to benefit from a limited government model and the fact that there are no limited governments in the western world seems to indicate that as the only possible answer.

And when you can name me what a small government that functions at the level of Western society looks like I'll be glad to discuss it since 'big' and 'small' government are code words for 'government I dislike giving things to people I dislike'

Ted Cruz reminds me so much of just a very unlikable child who finds that they would rather spend hours alone trying to figure out why they're not liked than simply change what they're doing to become liked. It's rare for a political figure to be so widely hated let alone this quickly and this thoroughly. Even

In times of peace….

True, if those are the only two options. :P

I never said he was stupid. Republicans for the most aren't stupid, they're just really bad at being honest. They're fully aware their ideological goals are bad for America but they personally remain rich and benefit their top donors, so their goals are met. Their voters may be stupid…but really we find they just

So the argument if I'm getting this right is:

Mmhhh, the modern left seems inclined to benefit humanity through an open and libertarian-bent (small L) views on giving people better access to resources while making sure the playing field is closer to level in economics.

I'm sorry, AM. :( But I have your internet back for sure. :D

That's everywhere, AM. My direct chair has always been awesome but the deans and provosts? Not so much. The trick is if you're happy doing what you do as a person then there isn't much else to complain about. Leadership is always going to ruffle some feathers.

Intriguing…Now I'm intrigued! But seriously, I meant no harm by it being a military tribunal or degrading your office, AM. :(

Sadly true, the military brass is much more pragmatic than people give credit for. They lean to the right by nature but they're far from General Stryker as some default model.

Heh, I know since it wasn't actually a tribunal and only a questioning. It was made for TV and so poor legality arguments are bound to erupt.

I think that's where her natural livability shines through.