
Mourning for people we don't know personally is superficial in a sincere and ok way. They represent their music, interests, discoveries, entertainment, and so much to us as broad representations. It isn't a bad thing because people do what they think is right, they respond in a way that fits into their framework of

So sad, but god speed Mr. Drake, you'll forever be Durant to me….

Trolls are dicks, we just categorize them very specifically from say a partisan with a genuine agenda versus a random douche who just wants to start fights. ;)

I always take the 'fascist for the left' as his stronger point but, point taken…

So I'm due in September? I'll be extra cautious then. To be fair, I fully suspect it's just Bizarro Sacrelicious planning to make a live version of the AV Club comment section. Super Villain-style kidnapping plans…

There is always one douche bag who just has a take no prisoners attitude about life and when we call him to the carpet on his own BS he'll just double down on his attitude. This is pretty epic trolling since both of those people had careers before their parents and tried to become epicly famous but only found greater

I'm with Office Meow Meow Fuzzyface on this, he may be a loose cannon and a cop on the edge with nothing to lose but he still knows what is right from wrong in this crazy world.

That's got to be an immense weight to hold up since he actually had a very good voice just like his father and couldn't escape the shadow. I hope his personal life wasn't completely swallowed up by his father (or at the very least, it wasn't pushed by Frank Sr…..).

72 is a decent run, a bit short, but decent. God speed to Jr, now he can do duets with his father…

I really hate the overly elaborate pieces that transform Over the Rainbow from a touching melancholy tale of sorrow into some sort of creepy spiritual. It's a sad song you bastards, just let it stay there. This isn't the worst use of your time but it smacks aggressively of gimmicky.

I wanted to punch the compiler of this video because we have historic records for several of them that clearly dismiss the allegories it claims. If anything Baum wrote a really fanciful book in an era when being fanciful was normal. We tend to forget that the movie was based on a book nearly 3 decades old at the

I kind of want to find the person who started that trend and stab them in the eyes. That and creepy pasta types as well who all write the same terrible urban legend 'lost episode' spiels…

Ah ok, I remember it getting pretty thoroughly torn apart with Rauch being the only redeeming quality. Thanks for the clarification, Jesse. I try not to put words in your mouth if I can help it. :)

I think in festivals it was? >.> I am almost sure it wasn't called bronze then.

It's kind of a trust fall to do that in acting, hoping everybody else around you is redeeming enough on film to even out your completely devoid of value character. Kudos for BBT for pulling it off.

I would but for some reason I can't mentally picture it as true. Tom Petty and Iggy Pop are like the yin and yang of a single scrawny blonde rocker, one good, one evil. Though Iggy is so blown out from years of drug abuse he doesn't have the ability to commit evil any longer..

I remember this being screened at festivals and the AV Club just murdering it. I was surprised it is getting a wide release though it looks sufficiently funny the problem lies in the divergent character choice for a 'bad' character. Teachers & mall santas are people we generally don't perceive as destined for

The trick for Pee-wee is that he hasn't overplayed the character, he's left us wanting more because it was never something we had drilled into us for decades. He sparked huge and then the conviction pushed him off the radar for nearly 25 years (his stint in Mystery Men and a few other projects are not quite the same

I was just going to drop that reference, what a classic bit. :)

I have always disliked SBC, his only roles I've found appealing were in the Dictator and when his throat gets slashed in Sweeney Todd. Bruno & Borat smack of characters that are designed to punch down (and in the latter's case a huge amount of creative editing and American's unswerving politeness in the face of