
The single reference I made was to white male nerd rage. Check yourself before you wreck yourself. You can hate the movie for whatever reasons you want but your first remark was about feminism and went off the handle from there. You lost this the second you opened your mouth.

OK, lets break down your original statement. You stated in no uncertain terms that the failure of this movie will be blamed on the sexism in our community in a sarcastic tone to imply that it won't be due to sexism and instead due to the failure of the concept. The problem is that you wholly discounted the

Or you can crawl back into whatever cesspool you crawled out of and I'll keep expressing my views while ignoring your ignorant strawman attack? :)

Deflection is the surest sign of accurateness. :)

It looks appealing, it does look like a retread to some extent but it looks like they're going to make it their own enough to be fun to watch and the fact that they're adding in a human mystery element has be entertained with the script enough to watch.

Can we quote you on this when it turns out to be a modest hit and casual sexists like you have to eat your words?

True, I think the resurgence helped that they were also musicals to a certain extent which is something they had gotten away from in general (though if you go through their film catalog, there aren't many musicals to begin with).

HAH! I never understood what any of that meant until I was older…like 17-18. I was a very asexual child.. >.>

Two different ideas given rise. The Little Mermaid through the Lion King was really about investing cash money back into hand drawn animation and seeing a return on investment with quality. It's kind of funny since I find the roughness of the 1970's and 80's an aesthetically pleasing choice.

It sounds like an interesting film in premise and I suspect it's aimed squarely at getting a very young audience to engage with the idea of urbanity and the strain of gentrification as the Gen X/Y parents return to cities and these children live in an age of mixed urban use.

Supercuts are not a subjective term for them being actually super, they're meant to represent a large body of something linked together. In this case with quite a few exceptions (talking into the camera in a dialog is not exactly breaking the 4th wall…It's like 3.5 wall at most) it is clearly a supercut.

I hit minute 7 and had counted atleast 6 times it was just a dialog exchange with the camera acting as the other person in the scene. Some of them were meant to be audience surrogates, some of them were just auteur decisions. For sure the 6 I counted were just decisions (I was close to 20-24 total talking to the

I respect your ability to be wrong.

Deep down I think AVC has some genuine white privilege issues but….that sounds cliche? It's sadly kind of true…but none the less they're mostly good folks who try hard to not be douche bags which is something in and of itself.

Justified left me sad and the AVC review seems to agree that it was alright but squandered some choices.

Or in other words: Tired old cliches that were dragged from the 1980s into the 1990s didn't age well. In many ways Full House was a non-denominational christian TV show. It went to great strides to portray the household as wholesome and keep romantic visions to the most G-rated for TV at the time. Updating the

Well time to controversy is actually something that's been studied, not extensively, but has been reviewed. Basically if it impacts whites in America it gets immediate attention, if it impacts non-whites it can take months to get off the ground as the groundswell slowly reaches white liberals and college-aged kids

I stopped watching the show by season 3 when they were insistent that Robin wasn't the mother even though by all considerations it made more sense. I missed when the actual mother character started making appearances but she seems like a figment of Ted's psyche from what people talk of her, this near perfect woman on

Actually, according to Spock the original timeline IS still out there, working in parallel to their's just sans Spock.

It is the gold standard for series finales in terms of horribleness. Even Dexter's ending while a let down isn't half as awful as Roseanne's. I would put Dexter's near Justified in kind of 'hunh…so it's over?' endings.