
You've enriched my life with your story. This is why I never got interested in 'movie magic' per se. I always knew that being involved in that was more a job than something passionate. It sounds so sad in a way…

Interesting, i'm not a literary scholar so I was unfamiliar with the subtext but that's an interesting subtext to think about.

. . .Othello isn't racist in any context that makes sense for him to be racially inferior to anybody else. For all reasons but jealousy Othello is head and shoulders above every other European in the play. I'm not seeing a good argument for why it is inherently racist.

Validity is a pretty broad concept. You want to step into that role and define who can and cannot play Othello? I'm intrigued to hear the argument to say the least. I'm not necessarily disagreeing, but I want to know what the intention is. Though I do think the inverse Patrick Stewart version would be quite good…

Thank you! All the eastern European names confused me.

Just saw it through their special premiere model. It's a solid action film on par with anything come out within it's budget. This film easily beat expectations, they kept the insider jokes down to a minimum and put tremendous effort into giving it a real cinema feel.

A.) Because he won by the skin of his teeth and did pass some changes (see family medical leave).

. . .It didn't mean it would reduce healthcare cost uniformly and your personal situation is not nationwide. Most of the states are seeing a $10 a month increase in silver plans.

A.) Arbitrary justifications. Most issues do not get to the floor or committee hearings. I'm pretty sure the single-payer option did appear in committee hearings and was considered for a time before being rejected because they were trying to buy off the last of the blue dogs in the coalition (your actual center-right

As I stated, the Post-Clinton Democratic Party has been weakened due to third way Democrats but a Sanders victory (and truthfully, the baseline party movement towards liberal socialism is evident) would reverse that course.

It's center-left because it advocates for civil liberties, modest socialist changes, and faced against the overton window of the right, simply had to adjust. If you look at the thread of FDR to Carter they're a definitively center-left party. Clinton and Obama are weaker center-left, but certainly remain center-left

Oh, well never mind then. I'm sorry, I thought you were taking a direct swipe at me for enjoying LPs as a stress reliever for watching politics for a living….

That's called a loaded question. All political parties are designed to stay in power for various reasons. The Democratic party really is a fairly moderate center-left party for the most part. They tend to do a great deal of good for citizens on par with what they can do.

I'm a relatively happy person, but thanks for the snark. It's amazing how I can perk up when people try to feed off my honesty like patheticness vampires.

I'm pretty sure critics panned RvB aggressively went it came out. If anything, I expect Lazer Team to do alright, I'm going to see it tomorrow at a special showing for those who paid up front to get a theater because I really enjoy Achievement Hunter LPs (they give me solace away from politics sometimes and that's

Compared to everybody else that's about on par only. Stewart would have taken it to the next level by now.

A.) Local elections do matter more in practical terms.

. . .Evidence to back this argument up? Whites are about as common as Blacks are globally (disregarding the Latino/Indian populations that are Caucasian but do not share the commonality of western or eastern Europeans). What makes whites sell better in Asia? It seems that there is very little evidence to support

Noah is just burning what Stewart did to make TDS relevant in the first place. It's not an issue of bro-ing it up, it's an issue of refusing to actually say what people want you to say, which is the truth. They want Noah to go out there and take shots at conservatives for being disgusting human beings and some light

Beat me to it. This election is probably the most important one in 50 years. If only because this election probably will decide the fate of the Supreme Court for the next two decades. Swinging it back to 5-4/6-3 liberal would be a massive victory and completely undermine the conservative movement's goals.