
So, do you ever get tired of hearing angry white guys calling you out for being vaguely progressive but not progressive enough or too little?

For the TL;DR crowd - Person is mostly white/all white (hard to really get a bead on that), describes how the Swedish Chef is not really offensive to Swedes (and well for various reasons is at most a mild irritant) and then goes on to argue how stereotypes aren't all that accurate and people shouldn't get upset by

Or you know…Put those feelings aside. It's not the feeling itself, it's what you do with it afterwards. We all love people who don't love us back (platonic and romantic) but it's how you live your life that makes the difference. Snape's life was lived in the shadow of his own fantasy version of Lily's idealized

HAH! I had that exact same thought both reading this article and the grantland one posted down below. Reflecting back now I'm pretty sure the Silver Snakes were almost always the oldest kids and the Purple Parrots were almost always the youngest. Rather, atleast the largest and smallest respectively. It would have

For sure, he's an amazing actor and it's a shame to lose him. :(

I'm not familiar enough with the books to traipse down this lane with you. I'm willing to trust your contextual analysis but from the movie view it certainly makes a pretty strong case for an obsession. But that's my perception as well. :)

Your eloquence is touching but in so many ways I feel like you're unintentionally taking away Lily's agency to justify Snape's obsession. She was a living breathing human being (albeit fictional) who had her own desires outside of Snape's goals and fantasies and your reading of this completely ignores that. Putting

In a way….perhaps? Depends on how you accept the final scenes.

The shrine of the silver monkey had to be a 'only inside of it do you know true doom' because watching it as a child it's FUCKING OBVIOUS. There is a base, there is a stick with a head, and a body. The body would make me worry for a split second as I threaded the damn head to it, spun them together then JAMMED IT SO

It's kind of interesting how insistent you are over the MH label. I'm going to ask is it because the MH is being diluted or because you don't feel Snape was in the wrong?

I was going to say, in many instances they describe James as much like Harry, just a genuinely nice person who had a mischievous streak. His taunting of Snape was irritating but it isn't necessarily something you send a hit squad over.

This is kind of what happens when a really beloved character actor dies. They get remembered for their characters. He wasn't a face actor, he played a great number of epic roles and deserves to be remembered for all of them (by the way, browse his filmography…it's wide but shallow.)

His unrequited love is the mental illness itself, he had an obsession with her. I'm actually uncomfortable using the term 'love' since it was never wholly mutual or fitting. He had an idealized version of her in his mind since they never actually dated, she was the eternal sunshine, and he was too happy to bask in

Yep, he steps clear over James (they do a cutaway so he doesn't have to but they have a camera pan) and even after they're married he seems upset and emotionally distraught. I had a relationship where I still cared about them and they moved on and married (and I had married at the time too). I never once thought,

Being a touch older than the books I never bothered to read them but I am still sad to see Hans Gruber pass…

A.) Simon and Schuster are long dead
B.) When they were alive being a publisher is different from being a producer on a film, publishers are more analogous to the distributor like Fox or Universal.
C.) J.J. Abrams probably did some editing and suggestions throughout the project as he's known to do. His whole position

This is a 'giving it away too early' trailer. Unless the movie is vastly different the basic premise feels like you're going to spend 50 minutes questioning whether all this is in Goodman's head or what and then the next 50 trying to figure out if there is a way out to survive beyond this bunker. They were better

I genuinely feel bad for the Cincy crying woman, she seems like a genuinely honest feeling person who just roots for a really bad team. But I will drink her tears in a moment of joy because schadenfreude is awesome sometimes..

I'm a Pittsburgh fan, I only read opposing team info to get a feel for reality (sometimes they have a solid insight) but in this case, Cincy coverage was off-the-deep-end. I almost want to write a blog post just on how deeply emotionally entwined the Cincinnati coverage became a melodrama of good and evil. George

Why do people think rain is good for football at any level? Cincy fans prayed for rain and found it just made their crappy QB even crappier and hurt their so-so running game.