
No, it seems unfair to argue because individuals do harmful things to themselves we should lump them into the same category as those who do it to others. I recognize suicide should be prevented and work towards that, i'm not sure we should presume to equate that to gun prohibition. I'm all for further mental health

I like how you don't presume to actually go do the research about the homicide rate in the US then try to lecture me. I used the 12K homicides to give a ballpark figure.

Actually, no, they're not. 35K includes suicides, I'm talking strictly homicides in this case. In fact, if we take out suicides by gun homicides become pretty rare on average. Spree killers are even more rare.

I'll have to try and track it down next time I'm at a place that serves microbrews. Bars in NOLA come in two flavors: Stumble out half-dead or fruity fusions to sell to tourists. I'm not a big fan of either…

I think that Murray has had a consistent and beloved career and since he was judicious with his money that after the late 80's bonanza his IMDB slowed to a trickle. He left us wanting more, he played in movies that featured him at his best and actually wanted to be there. He's just a guy we all like because he's a

If you're part of that roughly 3-4% that feel regret you're not 'abnormal' or 'bad' but I'm not sure where to go from there. I've never seen this study or studies like it as an excuse to deny women counseling over this issue at all. It may actually be an issue but not one I've ever witnessed.

The police actually have the right to hold or not hold an individual, in essence they were unlikely to have taken her into 'custody' and instead been offered to make a statement THEN decide whether or not to arrest her. So, you're partially right but ignore the key role the police play in making that original

Unhunh….Ok, troll. I'm not feeding morons, please stop cluttering my feed with your stupidity. :)

It seems pretty obvious that Adams worked for Belichick and there was an open agreement to cheat as much as possible. Defining it as an issue of WHERE is actually completely missing the point. You're not actually allowed to film practice signals and only are supposed to use the official feed for tape reviews. The

What a lazy troll….This is why talking about sports on the internet is worst than politics…

Yes, I don'the know why I called her Beth….thanks for catching that.

2001 was shaky. The middle two are less questionable and yes, 2014 is clearly your's. I'm not bitter so much as having to hear the constant pats love due to the mixture of a clear disregard for actual rules and a continuously weak division. It's a huge media market, an owner whof has media ties to the channel his

This means what? There are plenty of possible ways for a team to intentionally disrupt headsets with equipment beyond just engaging with them directly. I would shrug it off as a non-sense problem if the stadium was brand new but it isn't. It's a decade old, it hasn't been recently renovated, there is no

I'm in complete agreement though I suspect the MCU is not likely to get a hard reset until after 2023. Replacing various actors in various roles without a hard reboot but continuing through larger arcs is possible. The only actor we're really married to is Robert Downey Jr. and if Batman can have two amazing actors

It's not even a matter of 'well she had the moment but failed.' She had days and possibly weeks to recognize the bodies stacking up like cord wood but she was utterly focused on saving Hope's life. I get that it was actually about saving her own by proving kilgrave was in control but she failed on that front when

I agree in this case, but they've largely kept it narrow and strict. I also believe whites cause more accidents per capita…..but that's because they drive far more than all other races in the US.

Eh, Battlefront was considered an egg largely by the gaming community since it was essentially a series of FPS star wars maps, the FPS community is notoriously finnicky and actually rather small from the era when Halo and CoD dominated the sales charts.

That would be horrible, it would make me so sad because then we would have to hope that Bruce Willis never did anymore diehards after Die Hard 3. I mean could imagine him going back to that well almost 15 years later to make a series of movies and possibly a prequel? That would just be crazy…..

I don't dislike Day for anything to do with her progressive politics, in fact, I hate Gamergate for actual reasons rather than subjective views on her acting performance.

Well if there had been I'm sure we would have been notified of them, perhaps we would reference them in pop culture and discuss their major influence on movie making? Good lord, George Lucas has sat on his hands since making Episode VI. I mean, it's sad that he simply never made another Indiana Jones with Spielberg