Lurch of the SoCal

I’ve had some good ones in the %12-%15 range, but that’s about it. This high it would most likely be the most notable element when drinking unless the hops etc. are all on overdrive.

It’d depend on flavor. Most of the stuff like this I’ve had in the past is a hard sell to repeat - punched in the face by hops then someone pours Drano down your throat.

You take that back.

Unfortunately their restaurant design is a slice of hell.

Unauthorized accessories can compromise the gaming experience on Xbox consoles”

Basilisk eggs, as the entire series devolves into a massive Hunger Games/Harry Potter four hour long orgy.

They’ve been pushing the more “Marvel CGI” side of the movie of late, more of the big action bits. Few obvious callbacks to previous bits connected to the Kree storylines, some interesting flashy bits. I recommend looking the trailer up if you’re at all interested.

Thus the tightrope walk that too many fail. You put in fan service but not enough, you’re disrespecting the original. You put in too much, you’re pandering. Your ‘original’ story isn’t at least a little like the first one? Fix that. Your ‘faithful to the spirit’ is too close to the first one? How dare you try to just

To understand the full picture, you need to read the full Vanity Fair piece (and probably know a bit of Housewives lore).”

Considering your apparent ability to instantly absorb an entire meal, drink, and another before a showing, yeah. That’s pretty weird. Most people usually spread that out over an hour or more before and during the movie, but you do you.

And you know what I do when I go to a 3+ hour stage performance and need to pee? I wait for the fucking intermission and go then.

Add in the likely lunch/dinner before the movie and a drink for during the movie?

I can imagine (given the crowd of commentors very clearly only here to troll the site) that it’s better for their collective sanity that way. Kotaku alone would likely be driving people off the deep end if they had to engage with the average set of comments. “How dare you write about the most popular game on the

It’s the new way of writing the reviews for the shows - I’m guessing someone got sick of the “oh why are you just recapping the entire show” comments after every single review, so now we get a mention of a few skits, a recap-ish of one or two, and general feeling off the show.

So much “success” at that level is just showing up.

I think the problem for me is the Little Caesar’s I’ve always had has been most comparable to the pizza I remember from school lunches.

It’s usually “wait for more evidence”.

Extra BigAss Fries here we come.

We’re in the CA expansion area, so far I’d say they’re much more on par with Little Caesar’s than even a Dominos or Pizza Hut.

I’m calling it here.