
exactly, guy writing this review dosnt even know whaqt he is talking about... for him, its weird that each speaker is actually independently powered. Just LOL.

its worse then I thought it would be. those boring one color tiles and all that text

yeah, people were saying the same about touchscreen phones few years back too :)

nobody want to wave their hands while sitting in from of desktop computer, at least not for longer periods of time...

yeah, you americans should kill him too ;)

its awesome!

exactly, its really bad when people write this blog don't even read it lol :)

Canon isnt too, it has too much chroma moire...

dude they both shoot highly compressed video, h.264, didnt you know that?

yeah but Canon cant shoot roofs, iPhone can, iPhone wins?

Friend, this video is color graded and I will add very badly, and I know I work as a pro colorist.

it does sometimes, but not very common thing ;)

yeah its great to know that this is very common thing... great marketing Microsoft!

but who cares, its a great phone, with 1GB or 512MB...

my god, I wouldn't give that guy to run shoe store let alone one of the biggest tech companies

great time to start buying Apple stocks

Thats exactly type of commercial Microsoft would make...

He should go back to Microsoft and try to save it from Ballmer and

Autotune is the worst thing that happened to music...

...or just totally trippin :)