Ah, so this is what they meant when they said Draymond was “undersized” for his position.
Ah, so this is what they meant when they said Draymond was “undersized” for his position.
“Oneshot...in 4-5 hits”. I’m truly confused.
Yeah, like this is a terrible thing and I believe this guy should get a chance to beat the ever loving shite out of him but I did laugh at the photo too and was also impressed by how far he could jump.
This makes absolute sense and my heart aches for this man. Having said that, that's a fucking amazing picture.
I ignore religion equally.
Because having an asian martial arts master would wouldn’t just be tropy as all Hell?
I see you’ve played macey flaily before.
Just curious, what about the $20 price point leaves such a bad taste in your mouth that $15 does not? It's damn near the same, other than you might be able to get a McDonalds Value Meal along with your game if it's $15.