
Yeah I feel like meeting the parents being a big deal is a very American thing. My mom met my now husband a week after we started dating. It was nbd - just like she'd meet any friend.

Reposting this from Paleofuture because I know Jezzies will love it.

Or insinuating that if you never fantasized about being a teenage girl, that it must be because you’re not masculine enough? What the actual fuck. That particular bit about how “all men have a fantasy of being teenage girls” is such horseshit. It’s not just “teenage girls” they want to be—it’s not normal zitty,

A lady friend who is 32 is dating a 48 year old dude. When they first started dating, he said he went through a phase of only dating 25 year olds, which he said was really hot and fun, but now he was over it because he wanted “substance” - she said it was like he wanted an award for dating a woman over 30.

I think Mandy Moore SO GODDAMN PRETTY. Like, too pretty. SUSPICIOUSLY PRETTY.

This being said, it gives me no pleasure to tell you the following about my one true lesbian root.

Jon is a man with a man’s view on things. He’s also emotional and damned by his emotions and sense of honour, like all Starks (“break a vow and get fucked” should be their motto). The only reason he isn’t dead is because of magic and sheer luck. Littlefinger (littleshit) can’t be trusted to be on any council in

PSA to all moms and those that talk to moms a lot, please don’t be a dick when a woman tells you she’s made the decision not to breastfeed. There’s no reason for it.

When I write that it always means too lazy. Meh is implied.

I was dumped via text on a holiday so I actually think this is a step above

No asshole, the GOP is directly responsible for ISIS because of the constant destabilizing of the Middle East (and just about everywhere else) in endless pissing matches and efforts to enrich their cronies. Fuck right off and die you useless pandering motherfucker.

It never ceases to amaze me that this person came from what is essentially Hippie Central, Australia.

This. Somebody linked Umberto Eco’s article from the 90s about Ur-Fascism (it’s easy to google), and so much of it was talking about exactly this. Let’s not forget that last year this month there were the ultra-Orthodox men in Jerusalem who stabbed six people at a pride parade, that the Lt. Governor of Texas posted

Also, a deposition not happening *immediately* is common af. It could be months, easily. She probably has an OOB date to be deposed that is months off. Chill with the victim shaming.

Guns don’t kill people. People who don’t support basic gun restrictions and who think that guns are necessary for self-defense in this day and age kill people.

Eminem, of all people, always seemed to me like a white guy who just happened to grow up with a lot of black cultural influence and was genuinely into working hard at rap. I mean, yeah, he’s also a huge asshole in a lot of ways, but he’s not a phony.

In my town (Newport, RI) so many of my friends send their kids to private schools in a knee jerk fashion (as in, that’s what WASPs here do because...racism). We have very good public school system, and my daughter can obsess about Minecraft with kids of all colors and all socio-economic backgrounds. (Lord, someone

We’re planning to send our kids to public school. We both went to public schools, and obtained terminal degrees in our field. Having parents who understand, appreciate and encourage education is far more important than having a private school.

I’m not sold on her as an awesome person so much as a talented comedian who happens to champion some of the same issues as me, so maybe?

The Amies and Tina are great because there’s so few mainstream female comedians who pushback on gender issues in legitimately funny ways, but they’re still pretty up their own asses