Hey that’s my (former) high school! Hope they secure insurance soon, it’s honestly one of the most unique programs I’ve ever seen
Hey that’s my (former) high school! Hope they secure insurance soon, it’s honestly one of the most unique programs I’ve ever seen
I know that this is likely contentious to say here, but we should be working to rewrite zoning codes to create affordable mixed-use housing everywhere and provide everyone in urban/suburban areas affordable, accessible, and realistic alternatives to car dependency.
You guys are so boring lmao
The reality is, most people just don’t care about losing the $7-11 a month to listen to an album the moment it’s released. If you truly want to purchase an album one time and listen to it forever, you don’t need to convert filetypes, use an SD card, or do anything extra. You can buy an album directly on your phone and…
To be fair, you can buy an album once and listen to it forever on any modern smartphone. Streaming services are just more convenient, so that will always appeal to a wider range of people
IndyCar is really boring
That’s not a model 3
I know it doesn’t really matter, but why did you use an iPhone in the header image for an article about android?
Like any democratic process, even idiots are allowed to participate
“Aside from that, though, the sprint race was largely just a condensed version of what you’d expect from th”
I don’t disagree that the price is too high, but i do want to point out that the ford maverick and a live wire will never be competing for garage space
You’re wrong.
José is referring to lossless audio streaming, where the media being streamed is being played as close as possible to original quality, instead of compressed and played at a reduced bit rate.
My local Gas n Wash is probably my favorite gas station to be inside of, but the Gulf Oil in my area always has way cheaper prices than anything nearby
Americans pretty notoriously don’t do our research
It would make sense as Trevor Mahlmann, the space videographer who recorded the second video has done stuff with him in the past
I believe “some dude” in the background is Everyday Astronaut from youtube, or at least it sounds a lot like him.