Do you have some sort of reason for trying to send clicks to a Rupert Murdoch trash site like the Daily Mail? My suggested sites queue is screwed up enough, now the algorithm’s going to offer me all sorts of inane rightwing trash.
Do you have some sort of reason for trying to send clicks to a Rupert Murdoch trash site like the Daily Mail? My suggested sites queue is screwed up enough, now the algorithm’s going to offer me all sorts of inane rightwing trash.
Is there a reason you’re driving traffic to the Daily Mail?
Israel has mandatory national service. How is her being Ex-Israeli Army in any way noteworthy? I know plenty of people serving and ex-army who couldn’t beat me (an ordinary civvy) in a footrace or a fight. Just saying.......
Millennials (an age group currently mid-20s to late 30s) heard it growing up, too. Like others have said, a lot of the times they try and force you to touch the items or put them on you against your will.
Why deadname her?
Just a friendly reminder, if by some miracle they get the question in there, you don’t have to answer it, your census will still be counted.
I mean, every study I’ve ever read directly contradicts your statement, but what do scientists, doctors and nutritionist know?
It doesn’t hurt to exercise, though.
I know I’m probably going to get a ton of flack for this, but I just rewatched the movie and i have to say, it was pretty bad.
Counterpoint: No, he doesn’t. He’s a genuinely good person who is imperfect, like everyone is, but is actually willing to learn and grow.
You’re one of those people who walks up to a person with a fabric hoop in their hand, and asks what they’re knitting, aren’t you?
That’s like making a hockey pun for an article about tennis.
As a quilter and sewer I literally assumed this was going to be drama of someone using someone else’s fabric scissors on non fabric and I want you to know that in my head I thought war was FULLY justified just based on that.
I’m an only child so I don’t know, but may I assume that it is accurate that even when you’re being made king you can count on your big sister to tell everyone in the room how your balls don’t work?
Well that was quite dull wasn’t it?
In the end, Bran let Dany go on her rampage because he knew she would make his kingdom more ADA compliant.
No point. Long, long journey towards growth and redemption, then oops, back to square 1. The D&D commentary afterwards was like “he realized who he really was and what was really important to him.” Just like that, huh? These are some highly-compensated storytellers, they could do better than that.
So was Jaime’s whole character arc a Möbius strip then? What was the point of any of that?
This is always an uncomfortable situation for the complainer because of the fear of retribution or a bad response by the noise offender. IMO, it's rare that the noise-maker feels bad or sorry about making the noise. Usually if you do a noise complaint, the immediate reaction is a defensive (aggressive) one. It's…