
My first job out of college was at my college, so I felt to be a little weird. Someone gave me a tiara and I would occasionally wear it to work - until the day I happened to be wearing it when there was a major crisis and I ended up in a srs business meeting with the dean...with a tiara on my head.

The worst part is that all of these are less frightening and revolting than the real thing.

I would NOT trust Spiny Norman with my iPhone.

Not looking for cookies here, but I’m a white person and I genuinely do not understand why anyone would even *want* to be friends with someone who is racist/sexist/homophobic/transphobic/etc. I know I’m generally not a very forgiving person and I tend to see things in black & white and I’m perfectly happy to

Aaaaaand there’s the tone policing.

Aaaaa! I’m literally listening to this movie right now on specifically because every time I read more shitty news this week I hear this quote in my head!

Where do I get my ‘Castrate Men Now’ t-shirt?

I only hate raccoons when it’s 3am and they’ve outsmarted my latest attempts to keep them out of the birdfeeders. If they’d only come by during the daylight hours, they’d find that I’m happy to put out plenty of peanuts for the squirrels (because it keeps them out of the birdfeeders and also I enjoy drinking tea on my

That must be it! Thanks!

This is going to drive me nuts - isn’t there a play, or maybe it’s a story, where there’s a shipwreck and all the villagers rush to claim all the cargo?

Whenever I see people getting mad about the hyperbolic use of ‘literally’, I like to imagine that they’re vampires who’ve been asleep for hundreds of years, because hyperbolic ‘literally’ has been around since the 17th century.

I literally just finished my most recent re-read of this last night.

Oh, that’s a great idea! My 14 y.o. dog has recently gone (mostly) deaf. I’m lucky that I did hand signals with most of his training and that for some reason he can still hear finger snaps so I can get his attention, but it would be nice if we could build up a better ‘vocabulary’ of expressions and gestures. Of

No way! That right there is a Power Hair and it is full of good luck!

Make sure you don’t say things like that around short women who are trying to lose weight. I’d sell my soul to be able to eat 3,200 calories right now. I’m so jealous of you.

Careful now - using a dictionary definition as the basis for an argument with a linguist is like waving a red flag at a bull!

Linguist here! One of the proposed origins for ‘donkey’s years’ is that the original form was ‘donkey’s ears’ as rhyming slang - ‘donkey’s ears’ = ‘years’. Then, at some point, probably because a) people possibly weren’t aware of it being rhyming slang (or in general weren’t familiar with rhyming slang) and ‘donkey’s

Má tá tú ag obair, cén fáth nach bhfuil tú ag obair?

AMEN! I haven’t had a period in about 12 years thanks to my Mirena (although my sister had the exact opposite reaction, so YMMV), and I don’t miss it AT ALL. Not even a little bit.

Yeah, that’s what I feared, but I’d heard that if you completely drench the carpet with Nature’s Miracle, it can take care of that - it’s waaaaayyyy too expensive for me to do that to the whole carpet though. I made sure the landlord knew about the smell but I doubt he’d want to replace the carpet since it’s almost