
Sorry, but you can't tell me this doesn't have a familiar hint of Celeste Talbot trolling for attention at the mall in Soapdish.

I feel like you're only making it worse. In your defense, however, this is really hard to do and I have yet to attempt it.

This seems to be an exercise in carefully balancing great choices with bad choices.

No, no, no. You live in log cabins built on permafrost foundations, drink Molson at every meal, wear jean jackets to weddings and ice skate to work in full hockey gear everyday.

Perry played tennis so…

"Suck A Ding-Dong" was the working title for Chuck Berry's "My Ding-A-Ling". True story.

Yeah, but as Uncle Ned he said "X always equals eight".

I enjoy both AV Club and Bill Maher.

And BTW, all the Maher vitriol is totally obfuscating the fact that Scahill pulling out of the show at the last minute is a total bush league move. I am a Scahill fan, but he can be just as cringe-worthy and self-righteous as Maher (often much moreso). And it would serve more good to actually appear on the show and

He doesn't argue poorly, so maybe you haven't watched enough of his work. He definitely seems like sometimes he hit the bowl too hard before a show, no doubt. I respect your thought that he does sometimes seem out of touch with younger generations. It's a very real thing. I still think his voice is very important

But do you think Maher is going to allow that to happen on his own show? Milo just spouts off hot white supremacist garbage and then they go to the panel?

I won't disagree with his smugness, but you just described every comedian.

You do realize Maher has already had Tomi Lahren on Real Time, right? Other than a few canned right-wing outbursts, she was basically a muted tone of a guest on that show. She wasn't able to actually engage in real debate and basically faded into irrelevance as the show went on, like white noise or eggshell paint.

Honest question for liberal haters of Maher: other than some severely dated comedic material on occasion (Michael Jackson references/Asian driver jokes), what exactly is it that you so despise about him?

This isn't the website you're looking for.

I do feel bad. I rooted for them.

You fuck right off. The Cubs winning the World Series turned the world to shit.

I am the Original Famous Ray of Pizza.

Lets all agree that Grandma pizzas would be a lot better if they weren't called "Grandma pizzas".

They cover this in their meetings.