
You'll be sorry one day.

And the new right is powered by Baja Blast Mountain Dew, Supreme Cheddar Doritos and Fable II.

Aren't homophones just earbuds?

in other news, Metro still sucks.

twenty bucks he's an Eagles fan. football, not the band.

Having been both a content producer AND developer, I was blessed and cursed (by many, many things, all at once). I will echo what you said, that editorial departments are much more tech-savvy and possess the basic HTML skills to make life much easier on developers. I still have nightmares about why can't the

As a former developer, thank you for just using the straight quotes and not continuing to ask Why can't you just have the CMS automagically find and replace the curly quotes upon content activation???

Bottle Rocket, just after it came out. It grows increasingly harder to revisit each passing year, kind of like Fun Lovin' Criminals or anything else you thought was great in 1996.

Uncle Juice!

i think you meant Brawndoboarding.

i love "Stressed Out" COME AT ME BRO.

"Conrad Tokyo" slapped me so hard i got a nosebleed.

(so it begins…)

first four. it's a mistake to sleep on Beats, Rhymes and Life.

i am envious that you still have yet to get into your first Low End Theory versus Midnight Marauders debate.

"80s hipster friends"?

yes, they're the same people who would never shut up about The Mix-Up.

i like them both equally.

you just dated yourself and my memory. thank you.

what could you possibly have against One Crazy Summer??