
Dana. And that movie rules.

"There, in the stands, standing near the exit ramp… Isn't that John Candy?"

wipe that face off your head, bitch.


Bob Mould's See A Little Light is way up there in that regard.

SG: Sing that "Shiny Shiny People" song.

this requires context. lots of things are sandwiches when drunk at 3am.

Produce a birth certificate for "Catsup" and then we can talk.

this triggered Too Many Cooks flashbacks.

(so we're all in agreement to give "Everybody Hurts" a pass.)

sounds like someone's never swizzled blow into their Jack Daniels for breakfast before…

yeah but he sailed away to China in the middle of her vagina.

whoa… cool it now.

partially correct. it is an incontrovertible fact that not one bad song was released in 1985.

yeah, but "Rock Me Amadeus" is no "Vienna Calling".

I am the maker of rules
Dealing with fools
I can cheat you blind

it's still nowhere close to "Santa Monica".


seriously, what's with the unprovoked attack on Orbitz? maybe it's old people gum, but it's not like i'm chewing Freshen Up.

they're so overrated. nobody even knew them until that Edwyn guy got a song on that Empire Records soundtrack.