
little disappointed I had to scroll this far down for the first Zapped reference. you're better than that, AV Club.

Don's in charge
of our blacks
and non-whites…

you misspelled Nicole Eggert.

"When you grow up, your heart dies."

it's a good thing Malkmus is a genius, because he really is a titanic dick.

it's basically the same song. and i'm fine with that.

yeah, but which half?

finally got around to DFW's Consider the Lobster . good god i hate myself for waiting this long. you've read nothing until you've read "Big Red Son".

Watt just can't shut the f*ck up. interviewing him must have been slightly less painful than a root canal.

up next, Steve Albini debates the notion that kittens are cute.

Rad enough for Cru Jones?

…that Rhea Seehorn can't act.

i guess it can be both. i'm an old school metal fan who really appreciates the musicianship in newer metal—but just can't get past the cookie monster singing. i mean, i saw BBTS open for Candiria and was blown away by the music, but man, the vocals. maybe i'm just too old to get it, which is fine by me.

i know it's not saying much, but it blew doors off Journey Escape.

except Metallica's vocals didn't sound like the Cookie Monster after a ten day meth bender singing through a waffle cone.

except Metallica's vocals didn't sound like the Cookie Monster after a ten day meth bender singing through a waffle cone.

probably in the minority here, but i think Gran Turismo is a perfect album (or at the very least, severely underrated). downvote away.

he's easily the best part of Hey, That's My Bike!

RIP my KBC Band album on cassette.

except for "Sara", right?