
Mike + The Mechanics?

that's like saying "Stay The Night" destroyed Chicago. one of these things is not like the other.

"Oh, no. Howie was a rock, the best tailgunner in the outfit. Buddy came unglued."

"Why the hell aren't I notified about these things?"

if you know your 80s and 90s teen movies, it's hilarious. if you don't, well, you're just old and grumpy and it makes you sad in pants.

"Comedy" is a stretch as well.

"No, I don't think I'll ever get over Macho Grande."

no, that she didn't win for Strictly Business.

if you can't laugh at "The Gang Beats Boggs", you may need a new humor chip.

"Fitz, you get beer. Ed, you get… beer. Johnny, you get laid."

oh stewardess, i speak jive…

so…you'd wear a Yanni shirt to a Yanni show?

okay, fine. i should have clarified myself and differentiated between that meaning and the generalized derogatory slang it has become in the past 10-15 years that refers to "anyone who doesn't like Coors Banquet Cans or Two And A Half Men."

Can't Buy Me Love taught me that popularity can be bought and is more important than an education.

it was a rule long before the term "hipsters" existed. feel free to be that guy, though.

i bet you wish you were in Tijuana eating barbecued iguana.

i totally forgot Hot Tracks! "Mexican Radio" was on that one, too—i could not stop playing it. i actually still have that LP. in fact, i still have all of the original ones above on vinyl and cassette.

i'm old enough to have gotten the K-Tel mixes when they were new. they also had great names like Certified Gold, Radio Active, High Voltage, Blast Off and The Beat. there is an eternal music nerd debate among a certain age group as to which one was best.

would you prefer the article refer to it as The Abyss 2: Environmental Bugaloo?

no, but Jaws 3-D is.