GARCIN: It's through her they'll get you. I, of course, I'm different— aloof. I take no
notice of her. Suppose you had a try—
GARCIN: It's through her they'll get you. I, of course, I'm different— aloof. I take no
notice of her. Suppose you had a try—
GARCIN: It's through her they'll get you. I, of course, I'm different— aloof. I take no
notice of her. Suppose you had a try—
GARCIN: Inez, they've laid their snare damned cunningly— like a cobweb. If you make
any movement, if you raise your hand to fan yourself, Estelle and I feel a little tug.
Alone, none of us can save himself or herself; we're linked together inextricably. So you
can take your choice. Hullo? What's happening?
GARCIN: Inez, they've laid their snare damned cunningly— like a cobweb. If you make
any movement, if you raise your hand to fan yourself, Estelle and I feel a little tug.
Alone, none of us can save himself or herself; we're linked together inextricably. So you
can take your choice. Hullo? What's happening?
GARCIN: A hanging judge? I'd give a lot to be able to see myself in a glass. How hot it
is! (Takes off coat.) Oh, sorry! (Puts it on again.)
GARCIN: A hanging judge? I'd give a lot to be able to see myself in a glass. How hot it
is! (Takes off coat.) Oh, sorry! (Puts it on again.)
GARCIN: And then?
GARCIN: And then?
GARCIN: Was he poor or not? Give a straight answer.
ESTELLE: Yes, he was poor.
GARCIN: Was he poor or not? Give a straight answer.
ESTELLE: Yes, he was poor.
GARCIN: Because of you. Because of you.
INEZ: He shot himself because of you.
GARCIN: Because of you. Because of you.
INEZ: He shot himself because of you.
ESTELLE: Who— who do you mean?
ESTELLE: Who— who do you mean?
GARCIN: Well! Well!
GARCIN: Well! Well!
INEZ: Don't be too sure… I crept inside her skin, she saw the world through my eyes.
When she left him, I had her on my hands. We shared a bed-sitting-room at the other end
of the town.