Gilles De Raisin Bran

I always skip the Lurch half of Lurch/Butterfly Love.

I am DB Cooper. I killed Jimmy Hoffa. Now the world knows.

I am DB Cooper. I killed Jimmy Hoffa. Now the world knows.

from what I understand, it involves moonwalking into the path of an oncoming ice cream truck

from what I understand, it involves moonwalking into the path of an oncoming ice cream truck

I'm looking forward to kinja

I'm looking forward to kinja

I'm looking forward to kinja

They can only be devoid of meaning!

They can only be devoid of meaning!

They can only be devoid of meaning!

This comment will self-destruction upon posting.

This comment will self-destruction upon posting.

I've never actually posted on the AV Club.

I've never actually posted on the AV Club.

Also, there was that recurring gang of 12-year-olds who wanted to fight me and fuck my ex-wife. This was like, half a neighborhood away from where Spiderman lives, not even in one of the shittier parts of Queens.

Queens has an innate hostility and will never be cool. I have a lot of memories from when I lived there of my neighbors screaming insults at me at 2 AM, when I was walking to the 24 hour CVS for late-night energy drink fixes and minding my own damn business.

Since there's not a better place to put this, "Kinja" still sounds like Mike Patton onomatopoeia.

Personally, I'd love to see a Joker anthology show in the vein of the Joker's Asylum miniseries. There's a lot of room there for morbid fun that plays to absurdity off an unreliable narrator, and it'd allow for stories with lower stakes/don't involve Batman.

I can too, but goddamn if it isn't a wildly unfaithful adaptation of 100 Bullets.