
Possible connection - both are products of the same catastrophically inequitable society which is crumbling before our eyes? 

So, this whole thing is happening because Governor DeathSentence signed a law in 2023 requiring Florida to conduct a study on using this stuff in roads.  

Jimmy Carter was both a good President and a good man through and through. Conversely, there’s not a decent cell in Trump’s body, unless it’s a cancer cell. The “malaise” (a word President Carter never used) of the late 1970s looks pretty good compared to the utter shitshow we’re about to face.

Reagan promised wealth, abundance and a revitalization of the American dream (for some, anyway).

Stupid  post. There is nothing inthe story to suggest the men even knew she was an influencer nor posting a live feed. And victumshaming is exactly what you're doing

I got a dent in my Cybertruck too, but put a bunch more dents in it so the initial one didn’t stand out. And my fix was free! 

Most nations would have stuck a barrier, or redesigned the road, or just eminent domained the building after the the third crash at most.

-I understand that someone has forced your Waymo vehicle to stop and is trying to assault you. Let me get you some help for this issue.


Some poor bastard’s spirit just broke and they couldn’t take it anymore. Classic out of sight, out of mind thinking. I do sympathize, we’re running people pretty darn ragged these days.

There is some ELon Dripping down your chin Mr Trump

And two weeks later, find yourself being pulled over, at gun point, for reported vehicle theft...and that it’s a vehicle associated with Musk just makes it a double ‘ah, hell naw’!

Remember when cars got too big and expensive after 1978 and then we pivoted back to buying small cars again?

Eew.  Then I’d have to make a Hertz rental and own a Tesla.  That’s a dookie double dose.

Some of us just want small cars. I always have. I always will. 

In America, driving mostly sucks and anyone who tells you different is trying to sell you something.

We should have pretty strict size restrictions on how big civilian vehicles can be. Trucks these days can’t even fit to established parking spaces. They block other vehicles’ sight lines on the road, they are unable to see pedestrians or other obstacles and hazards over their massive hoods, and their overcompensating

The real champion is whoever DIES in one first

These dipshits are competing over who broke their subframe first and I’m 100% here for it.

I am honestly surprised the adjuster assigned to this claim let it pass because there are SO MANY red flags