
Fuck Elon.  That is all. 

Maybe it’s just me, but I’m starting to think that this Elon guy isn’t such a good dude.

headline should be why an Indian town/region/hwy department didnt baricade a closed bridge. or is google responsible for that?

It really is astounding. They accused our Lord and saviour of fraud, when the whole time he WANTED TO WORK, just in slightly different ways (at least in accommodation to his injuries). They had a dude who was clearly dedicated and loyal to walking for Walmart... and just drove him out.

He would be so super liberal and brown they would despise him

One of my favorite little beliefs is that if actual Jesus came back, Christians would be horrified to realize he’s actually a Middle-Easterner, and would look like a Westerner’s idea of Muhammad more than anything else.

The only Christians I know that actually try to live a Christlike life definitely didn’t vote for Cheetolini.

Modern Christians would ABSOLUTELY crucify Jesus again if they got the chance.

Good. Fuck Walmart. 

They fired Jesus ? where are all the churches complaining and picketing, oh Mexican Jesus, that’s okay

Count me as part of the minority who never played.

Can’t lose real estate to rising oceans if the rising tide raises all ships.

It was set up to run without a driver

I loved it back in the YouTube days. I’m one of the ones who didn’t scale the paywall, so I’ve not kept up with them for a while. Maybe they can get together and do something in the spirit of Roadkill on YouTube again. That would be an interesting full-circle moment.

On the upside, with our new HHS Secretary we will all be eating our roadkill instead of having to bury it in Central Park.

I lived in LA for 13 years, lane splitting every day, Monday-Friday to get across the city, and I didn’t die a single time.

Unfortunately when they all also lose their health care and disability payments and when they can’t afford to eat because import prices are too high and there are no immigrants left to pick what we produce, the half of Americans that decided to go MAGA don’t have the capacity for causal reasoning and self-reflection

Let’s see what happened when they raised the tariffs on Chinese steel a few years ago. Domestic steel also raised its price to within a few cents per ton of Chinese Steel. Not only did the cost of building with structural steel framing skyrocket, so did the price of pretty much every good manufactured with steel.

It’s what HALF the people voted for. Trump literally got 50% of the popular vote. The other half voted 48% for Harris and 2% for anyone else.

Trump Does Tesla A Favor, Plans To Make It Easier For Self-Driving Cars To Hit The Pedestrians