Can’t drive it or sell it. Love the car though!
Can’t drive it or sell it. Love the car though!
Couldn’t Tesla just insure them themselves? I mean, why not, if the build quality is as good as they claim? They shouldn’t have to make any payouts, being the car is built on sub-micron specs....
id be asking the DMV to cancel him.
At first this seems hilarious but these are the types of assholes that would drive around with no insurance.
Youtube should ban him immediately.
Repulsive little twat.
I hope his insurance doesn’t cover this.
I’m the farthest thing from a police apologist but...
I mean, did you even watch that video?
Are you suggesting there should be LESS safety regulation for cars because motorcycles, cyclists, and pedestrians exist?
Imagine doing this instead of just not shooting innocent people.
I don’t understand this safety regulation stuff for cars when motorcycles are completely legal...What is this safety for? It’s so backwards, trucks and SUVs should be regulated out the ass simply because they have the potential to cause more external damage than smaller cars. Is my thinking incorrect?
Because Americans, like Alton Brown, hate unitaskers. Most people should be using mini cars in places they make sense like dense urban areas, and renting a pickup from Home Depot for $25 for the 75 minutes they actually need them every other year. We should also be building out robust public transportation on the…
I don’t know if posting this take on Jalopnik dot com should be considered brave or asking for it, but best of luck to you. You’re gonna need it.
He wants kids to die in car accidents. He wants people to pump out extra kids to replace their killed ones. Its perfect logic if you are a repulican.
Nah, just a couple of the sluttiest cushions he can find, right on his lap.
Does he put an ottoman in a car seat for long road trips?
If Germany’s labor protections are so rife for abuse, why is the average sick day usage so much lower across the country than at this one plant?
Gotta agree with the other early commenters, the lady is at fault. Ignorance is no excuse and if someone hit my car, I’d want them to pay something too. The ticket may be a bit much, but it is still cheaper than painting a bumper or hitting someone in the car wash. My mother is 77 and her driving is starting to really…
The fuck does this have to do with politics? A careless driving ticket is certainly warranted, because she was driving, carelessly, but this has fuck all to do with left or right. Pull your head out of Trump’s ass and start using it to think.