
Let’s not forget that Stig comes from a very large family with cousins across the globe. Big Stig, African Stig, Australian Stig, etc...

So if I am ever speeding in Irvine, the best way to lose the cops is to drive through a carwash?

“Are they giving us the finger because we’re cops or because we’re in a Cybertruck?”

Since when does a police department actually pay for a “community engagement” vehicle? Around me they’re all either cars seized from drug dealers or free surplus MRAPs.

That’s not “innovative” and “disruptive”. And doesn’t require “courage”.

It wasn’t engineers who demanded electric door openers, they’re just the poor bastards who have to try to find ways to execute Musk’s “genius” ideas.

Died in the cybertruck the other night because I couldn’t get out.

Why do automakers insist on installing electrically powered doors? Just give us manual door locks like we’ve had forever. They work. They are easy to fix. They don’t require idiotic emergency levers. Stop overcomplicating things that work perfectly fine.

A class on the KISS method should really be required really for engineers

Don’t get dumped while using your BumperDumper. 

“Well, one lesson I’ve learned is that just because I say something to a group and they laugh doesn’t mean it’s going to be all that hilarious as a post on X.” He later said, “Turns out that jokes are WAY less funny if people don’t know the context and the delivery is plain text.”

We have concluded our investigation: This man is an idiot 

I just wish the fucker would die already. Heart attack, stage 5 cancer, whatever. He is a sore on America’s ass. And it absolutely blows me away that somehow the race is close? What in the flying fuck is wrong with people? He is the BEST you can do? And its not just him but all of the other crazy people working for

They are too busy protecting our kids at school.....oh wait...

“Subjectively cool”?

US cops are mostly staffed by idiotic brain dead cops that aren’t fit to be even a security guard.

Every car: electric, hybrid, or ICE, should be legally required to always have at least one 100% mechanical lock and door mechanism.

For something as essential and utilitarian as a postal truck, it’s nice that appearance was the least important factor and they went all in on function. Hopefully, the reliability is just as good as the form factor.

They’re goofy looking, but honestly pretty endearing, and being purpose-built whilst also increasing safety and comfort is a huge win. 

So, about two weeks then?