
What exactly does “parts from Amazon” mean? 

Here’s one: don’t feed your dog garbage food. Definitely don’t feed them colored pebbles, and ideally feed them real food if you can afford it. 

The new engine should shave an mpg or two off the existing V8's dreadful numbers, Jeep claims.”

Completely agreed, plus it doesn’t have the incredibly dumb capacitive buttons in the center stack.

The Maverick offers the same basic function for way less, and it gets better fuel economy. It’s also built by a brand known for their trucks. I don’t think it should be a surprise it’s selling better.

Don’t forget Roku!

If an Expedition could get that fuel economy then a small car could likely get 70-80 MPG, small cars use less resources to build, they take less space on the road and in parking lots, they make less wind/tire noise typically, they get in fewer pedestrian collisions and when they do they’re safer for the pedestrian,

What’s “Georiga”?

I hate Amazon as much as anyone, but I don't know if this guy has a leg to stand on. 

Something important that people need to realize is that if you don’t have native plants then you won’t be feeding many native caterpillars which then feed native birds and so on and so forth. If we want to have a healthy environment we need to be planting mostly (if not all) native plants.

I don’t bark at my dog, but sometimes I bark with my dog. That’s normal, right?

That’s pretty unfortunate. So much pollution and waste. 

We have railroad crossings here that sometimes get triggered or get stuck when there’s no train crossing and you have no choice but to go around the barriers unless you want to sit there all day.

I just want smaller phones.

I saw one at a dealer here.

Alien is where it’s at. 

It’s pretty disturbing that you could find this many people in a family that were okay with doing this, but then again they are related I guess...

I was going to buy it, but since there’s no manual...

I felt anxiety just watching the video. It’s impressive how far away this system is from being anywhere near ready. 

I think most if not all Publix locations take styrofoam.