I think it looks better. It’d be even better if they made the beltline a straight horizontal line.
I think it looks better. It’d be even better if they made the beltline a straight horizontal line.
People obsessing over their lawns is one of the reasons why I hate living in a neighborhood due to the noise created by it. Not to mention how bad it is environmentally to have such “pristine” lawns.
He’s the classic “pretend like you care about the environment even though you have a huge carbon footprint and you started a rocket company that spews incredible amounts of pollution in the air” kind of guy.
My suggestion is to stop buying these kinds of products from huge corporations. They are garbage and their goal is to make things as cheaply as possible.
People that buy inefficient cars and then complain about gas prices are hilarious.
Yeah, I’m honestly surprised they don’t get religious in their videos with how conservative they surely are. Despite the obvious bootlicker mentalities of them I still manage to enjoy the videos, but it would be nice if they weren’t actually the stereotype of what you expect them to be. Another thing that’s always…
Interesting way to film...
While there are issues with Christmas trees it does at least keep that land from being developed into something else. Of course ideally that area would be a natural forest or grassland instead, but there are much worse things than a live Christmas tree.
Why do you have to blow leaves off the leach field? I’m genuinely curious as I’ve never heard of this before.
You could also do this even better with a GPS tracker. Sure, it would require a small monthly subscription, but I’m not really sure that matters when the payoff is a big one.
I notice it in all kinds of vehicles that come stock with HIDs/LEDs from the factory.
I had been wanting to learn for years so when my dad got an ‘06 Cayman S when I was 22 I learned on that. It definitely took some getting used to, and the 3 cars I’ve driven since that have had manuals were a lot harder to stall. Right now I’m looking for a Fiesta ST but waiting for the prices to go back down...
Get yourself some reusable bags, Collin!
I can’t believe people still haven’t learned how to turn their phone sideways...
What happened to VW? They used to make fairly attractive/well-designed vehicles.
It’s pretty bizarre how we have driver’s licenses and crash standards, but we have no regulations on “self-driving”.
This should be part of the driving test. Great way to weed out bad drivers.
With this kind of attitude it’s no wonder why bicycle infrastructure is so bad in the U.S.
Maybe don’t own it then?
It’s funny that you think those “high end” names guarantee a good audio system in a car.