That’s just awesome. Sure, the SS may not be the looker people want it to be, but this is very cool nonetheless.
That’s just awesome. Sure, the SS may not be the looker people want it to be, but this is very cool nonetheless.
Subaru isn’t exactly known for their build quality...
I don’t see it other than maybe the scrunched rear side window, and my sister has a Mazda 3 hatchback, but I do think it doesn’t really say Ford in any way.
I’m just not a fan of this generation’s styling. It almost looks like a Grand Caravan in the front from the same era. Otherwise it sounds good.
Neither are good, to be quite frank. Both look like relics of a cheap car company.
I’m not really a fan of how it looks scrunched toward the back. Especially not for $295,000.
Google needs to make it so you can delete 3rd party apps from your Android phone regardless of who makes it or where you bought it. That was one of number of great things about Windows Phone.
This is great. I am always disappointed by the amount of trash in places where it shouldn’t be. The only upside I see is that when I pick up trash much of it gets recycled where as the scumbag that threw it out would never think/want to recycle it. I’d still prefer they don’t throw their crap in the woods, though.
It’s a handsome truck, but I really wish the belt-line was lower. Makes visibility worse from the inside and it makes getting into the bed more difficult from the sides.
I said a little bit of effort, not a lot. It’s still nice to have a speaker with some clarity that doesn’t get covered up by your finger.
My friend mentioned the same thing to me the other day about his S8. You’d think they’d put at least a little bit of effort into the speaker(s) on a flagship phone.
Absolutely agreed. One of the best things ever invented.
You’re welcome! Also make sure to check out for lots of good info and FordTechMakuloco on YouTube for how-to videos.
Mine has the V8 with the 6R60, but the V6 comes with a 5-speed similar to what the Ranger had.
Mine is indeed a 4.6L with the 6-speed 6R60 (I don’t think they had V8 badges on the side until the 2007 model year). The transmission was/is known to have issues on at least the 2006-2007 in terms of drivability (it can jerk when going from 1st to 2nd, and some people have had issues with clunking going from 2nd to…
I love those wheels.
“If there’s one thing we expect from Apple, it’s impeccable design.” Yeah, like having the back button at the top left of the screen.
Agreed on the iOS one. I used an iPhone X and it was a pretty sad experience for a $1000 smartphone.
I prefer the Jitterbug. The big buttons allow me to call all my gals while they’re getting their hips replaced.