That Honda ad with the worst song ever. My whole family hates that commercial.
That Honda ad with the worst song ever. My whole family hates that commercial.
Emo was good in the ‘90s and then somehow it morphed into garbage like My Chemical Romance. Although I guess that goes for most genres.
Three excellent bands!
That’s pretty pathetic.
I want this...but do I need it?
I want this...but do I need it?
Considering it reduced it only by 17% I don’t think it’s dumb to say that, but if someone said “100% of people are going to do whatever it is they want to do”, then yeah, that would be dumb.
I’ve slept in my ‘06 Explorer before (with the backs seats down like you did) and it was quite nice. I certainly wouldn’t mind doing so again.
I put it in my hair after washing my hair with baking soda to deal with dandruff. Works great.
My sister’s 2014 Mazda 3 has like 100-120 miles of range left once it hits empty if I remember correctly.
My sister’s 2014 3 Touring has a CD player. Thankfully, too, as we both like playing CDs.
Hopefully the Here mobile app gets the same traffic info.
Sources say a Chevy Spark was spotted in the vicinity moments before the fire.
That sucks. I’d think since it’s slightly larger and a new model that they might at least try selling it here. 49k sold for a global car (and therefore almost no extra development cost) is still nothing to scoff at.
Just did a 16 hour trip solo in one day from Columbus, GA to Stouffville, Ontario. Listened to podcasts and music very loud and had a good time doing so even if it was dragging on a bit near the end.
I have a Rigid cordless drill and it’s been excellent.
I have a Rigid cordless drill and it’s been excellent.
“that people will choose a service employing rapists, thieves, and murderers”
The “thermometer” in my Explorer works well unless it’s just been sitting in the sun for a while. As someone who likes statistics and such I rather appreciate having it in the car.
TVOTR has some good stuff.
I must be daft because I’m just not getting it. Care to explain?
That’s disappointing. I already buy too much stuff from China while trying not to.