
We do have other legless lizards in the U.S. (known as Glass Lizards), although I’ve never personally seen one as they aren’t super common. 

I was thinking it was funny while reading this that you got to interview him since you guys look related, Andy, and sure enough you mention it at the end.

It’s so true. Recently I’ve been seeing how efficiently I can drive (weird, I know) and naturally going slower than usual (usually the speed limit, but slower if I’m camped out behind someone). Turns out rarely having to pass on the highway makes things a lot easier-going and you don’t have to deal with others being

If you leave the “1" off it becomes much more appealing.

I’m hoping the designers at Toyota are blind because there’s no excuse for this otherwise.

Indeed. I’m really disappointed with Mazda’s decision to not have any performance variants of their already excellent vehicles. If only more people would buy Mazdas!

I’m not a fan of where their sound is heading.

Buy something more interesting and fun to drive with a manual. Instead I got an ‘06 Explorer - a vehicle which I do love and have had for 7 years yet am left wanting for a Fiesta ST. Soon.

It’s so ugly, though.

If only taxis were regulated then this wouldn’t happen...oh, wait...

Looks like Audi and Hyundai styling are converging.

Why do these things have to be so ugly?

Luckily you’re completely wrong about baking soda.

This article is a bit simplistic. Natural toothpastes that can be swallowed are definitely a good idea for young children. There also non-natural toothpastes that have beads in them that can get lodged in your gums and contribute to water pollution. The smartest thing to do is make your own toothpaste. It’s cheaper

I think it looks awesome.

Haha, the sticker’s great.

One time my dad was driving his truck and trailer (he does lawn maintenance), and he somehow angered a crazy person in a Camaro. They were behind him at first, but then got in front of him and decided it would be a good idea to slam on their brakes. My dad wasn’t able to stop in time and they collided. Normally my dad

Anywhere on the east coast? I’ve found driving to be quite relaxed in the Southeast other than maybe large cities like Atlanta. Even there I don’t find it to be that crazy.

It’s too bad he didn’t have a Ford with a keypad on the door. One of the most underrated features that I wish was available on every car.

Man, that thing is beautiful!