Don’t listen to him. Everyone else loves the sound.
Don’t listen to him. Everyone else loves the sound.
Oh, sweet Jesus. I had been trying to get one but they’re not exactly plentiful. I did test drive one but when I was planning on getting it inspected a week later (it was an hour and a half away and I didn’t have time to have it inspected on the day I drove it) it was gone. How has ownership been? I haven’t heard many…
They should put a roundabout in! Roundabouts for everyone!
If only. I’d strongly consider buying one if they sold them here. Though a more powerful engine option would be nice.
On which Fitbit? The Charge 2 has a removable band and I haven’t had any issues with it nor heard others with issues. I know the Charge HR had band issues (although I didn’t have any issues with the band on mine for a year and a half but the battery did stop holding a charge).
On which Fitbit? The Charge 2 has a removable band and I haven’t had any issues with it nor heard others with…
STP was awesome and Robert DeLeo is such an underrated bassist. Their performance of Creep on MTV Unplugged is amazing as well.
I don’t really see it, but I don’t care either way because we don’t get the 6 wagon here so this is pretty sweet if you ask me.
It amazes me to still see any young people smoking these days. I always find it odd that people will pay money to kill their own selves.
I’m on the $35 Cricket plan and it’s been great.
The fact that the V90 is a special-order-only car here makes it kind of cooler if you do get one. It’s always nice to have something unique.
We can still special order it here.
I wish I had a job that pays well.
Indeed. I just saw an older gent the other day in an FRS (a manual to boot) and I thought to myself “good on ya, mate”.
I’m not sure what happened 5, 10, 15, 20 years ago matters when it comes to tech.
If you’re referring to Sync that’s not Microsoft’s work. Yes, it’s based on a Microsoft platform, but the actual infotainment part was developed by Ford. Kia’s Uvo is also based on the same platform but it didn’t have the same issues.
I was going to say this is the perfect use for Ringplus, but apparently they recently stopped allowing new activations. They require a Sprint-compatible phone, but you could get a free plan (other than a small one-time fee) with a small amount of data which would be perfect for this.
Microsoft makes great software so I’m not really sure what the point is with that.
His vocal delivery is cringe-worthy.
I don’t care, but what was weird was when someone in my sister’s class tried to tell her that the correct pronunciation was Porsh and that Por-shuh was the wrong way to say it.