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    There are a couple of these jamokes hanging around the show’s comments, complaining about every perceived “spoiler” made here. One dude last week complained about the headline “spoiling” Mos Eisley as the episode’s setting even though the characters arrive there in the firet two minutes. Next week someone’s going to

    I’m torn between the “more power to you” angle vs the “can you at least not sell/recommend stuff that is genuinely harmful or counterproductive to modern life?” angle.

    I was born late ‘75, and my mom went to see Jaws during her second trimester, so I almost saw its original release.

    The entire cast of Do The Right Thing is amazing, but Aiello gave probably the best "It's so fucking hot today" vibe throughout. You can really see a man who almost can't believe what an asshole he's being, as if he's normally much more patient (or at least less combative) on days when he's not sweating through his

    I tried to make a Boat Trip joke, but he actually made that one before Radio. Man, that dude made some real garbage. 

    When they revealed the weird specifics of the dragon's hoard, I thought for sure he was going to have a few packets of a certain dipping sauce... 

    I didn't dislike much (if anything) in the film, but literally not much new or compelling happened in the first three hours that we haven't seen in a similar style dozens of times. They could have condensed all that into a 20 minute prologue and then made the last hour an extended version of the film's final 3k min,

    So... so you’re upset that the headline revealed something that happened in the first two minutes of the episode?

    It's easy to avoid being "that guy" by not clicking on an article you're not prepared to read. 

    As someone with plenty of pop culture tattoos, this still irks me as well. People are allowed to do whatever they want with their bodies, but jeez... ease up on the throttle a little bit. 

    I think “fan service” as a negative term isn’t about giving fans what they want, it’s implying that the people responsible are ONLY giving fans what they want, with insufficient creativity or narrative/character development in its presentation.

    “Age of Innocence" is so great. If I could pick one Scorsese film that needed more attention, that's the one. 

    The audience for this film will know she’s evil because she works for the media and/or FBI, the two entities Eastwood is blatantly out to smear, and the audience will be all over it like hobos on a steak.

    Others here have already done a terrific job explaining why your “toolbox” comment is inaccurate and insulting, so I’m just here to say, “go fuck yourself.”

    It’s almost admirable in its shamelessness. When we saw the trailer last weekend*, there was a line like, “the two most powerful forces in the world are the government and the media,” and could hear the audience’s eyes collectively rolling, but we all know people who will eat that shit up with a spoon.

    I spent the last four days telling everyone to “eat shit.”

    I get where you’re coming from, but down that track madness lies. As a kid, I sneered at Jurassic Park’s early scene depicting a dinosaur skeleton being excavated in near pristine condition while still in the ground. A friend hated Snowpiercer because she contends that the track would need regular maintenance that

    I love “Foreign Correspondent.” Even that early in his career, Hitchcock knew how to have fun with genre conventions (and damned near self-aware characters like ffoilot) without sacrificing a story’s tension.
