Cotton mouth + pursed lips did it for me (my other theory: like 500 mg of adderall? Technically legal but basically the same)
You weren’t. The first thing I thought was, “What the fuck is he on?”
OMFG I wanna tongue kiss Howard Dean. I thought I was the only one with the cocaine theory.
Official That Guy™ Comment.
I concur
I’m pretty sure that the issue occurred when the helicopter hit the water.
Definitely pilot error.
Consider that the median home in Palo Alto sold for less than $20,000 in 1956, versus $2.5 million today — an appreciation rate of 12,500%.
I wonder if HamNo has noticed yet that he's not getting a pay check any more.
Oh man, again Hamilton writes about finance and successfully shows everyone he knows jack shit about the subject. Nothing about this is jargon, you could at least google the terms, scrub.
Nobody at deadspin or any related website seems to have anything other than the most remedial understanding of finance, yet they continue to write articles about it as though they know what they’re talking about; the lemmings are usually too stupid to notice.
It’s the entire assumption here, it doesn’t need to be spelled out. Hamilton likes to play pretend economist/financial guru sometimes but anyone who knows anything can see right through him. Pay no mind.
If you don’t know what the terms mean, Hamilton, you can always Google them. No need to be quite so insecure.
This is not advanced financial jargon, you just know nothing about finance.
Uh, HaMilton, we’re gonna need to go ahead and move you downstairs into Storage B.
Buy a Vette and a Timex and go enjoy life
Why is it that the interior of every private plane, no matter how expensive, ends up looking like a 1985 Starcraft van conversion?