
Did you just call me a pussy communist?

And the Russians only used pillows, and feathers for the 10 years they were in Afghanistan.

Some of them (most) were conventional, including my Sara.

Great story. I remember watching the larger story unfold live on CNN while sitting at home.

existence, not existance. wasn’t paying attentions.

So, does “every element in existance” include the 4 new ones from the last couple of weeks?

So cool. Thanks for finding this.

That’s what I was wondering, would this mean that from now on, any US ship traveling through the straits will have their CIWS operational, which could lead to a pretty big problem next time something comes close.

The Government should have gave up, instead of endangering their population for a lost cause. Sorry there was (pardon the pun) fall out from the war, but again, they started it. Like Beretta said, “don’t do the crime, if you can’t do the time”.

Fuck the WWII Japanese. Look what they did to the civilian population of Singapore, or any number of places in China. I sleep just fine knowing that we didn’t have to go in there and shoot another 10 million Japanese citizens. They poked the bear.

In a combat situation, I’ll bet it’s tough needing to save a lot of fuel to land like that. Beautiful in any case.

And yet, Turkey and Vodka go well together.

which closes the Bosphorus and Russia strands their own fleet.

So, that was then, and this is now. Russia pushed their luck and got bit.

So, 2 wrongs...

you can see the wakes in the picture at the top.

Drugs is not Terrorism. straw man.

Well, how were folks with bombs strapped to their chests let in? or with AK’s? You’re right to a point, the only way to cleanse this probablem is to cleanse it

Tyler, great reporting. That said i believe we can narrow the pertetrators of this attack down to a certain group of terrorists. . It wasn’t the IRA, or the Red Brigade, the KKK or the Black Panthers. maybe FARC? or some other SA terrorist group? the Red Brigade? no, we know which group of humans perpetrated this act,

I remember doing drills under the line of death