
Don’t be so fucking stupid.

The best part is that giant nails obviously don’t get in the way of your game play.

“Very depressing that most millennials have no tolerance for anything at all they disagree with.”

It’s a fact that you should shut the fuck up, dweeb.

I disagree

No one in their right god damn mind is *steaming* nachos. The fuck are you on?

I dunno, I think that looks pretty fuckin’ rad as is.

Amateur cook expounds at _great length_ on a super-simple idea. The instructions seem written for people who have no experience cooking and little common sense.

“Well, you didn’t vote for me,” Feinstein replied.

After a teenager pointed out that part of Feinstein’s duties were listening to her constituents, Feinstein asked how old she was. “I’m 16, I can’t vote,” she said.

Both the book and the movie lack a lot of the things that are fundamental to fascism. Like you said, there’s no violent suppression of internal dissent. From what I’ve read, fascist states are most concerned with reshaping their domestic societies, and scapegoating internal enemies is at least as big a part of that

To be a bit hyperbolic, I think there can be a difference between laughing at someone in pain for punching themselves in the dick and laughing at them go down in a pool of blood and bleed to death after punching themselves in the dick.  There’s a point somewhere along that line you should probably stop laughing and

Insensitive, maybe, but it should be noted:

Paradise and surrounding are largely republican dominated areas. They’ve had the same access to information about climate change and its scientifically extrapolated results. They’ve had ample time to decide on a best course of action and yet have made the choice to exist in

Sewing chaos in general may have been their goal...

Wow Apple has been KILLING it lately, huh?

In the game of snacks, you either win or you diet.

> *too-tall-Peter Dinklage

This is my new favorite comment on the internet. Thank you for this one.

You are a horrible person and should feel bad about your comment.