
Is that kind of like Storm Shadow and the other ninja (the white one) in GI Joe?

Did Rob Kardashian move in with a pro wrestler? That is the only Chyna I know of. And isn’t she dead anyways?

“It’s almost impossible to prove a defamation case,”....unless you are Hulk Hogan

The First Amendment has nothing to to do with allowing random people to call him a rapist. Your First Amendment rights are only violated by state action. Not the internet mob.

““I’d vote for Bernie, though. I don’t agree with anything he says, but at least he’s telling the truth.”...feel the exact same way

“Society should acquire it.”....what gives society a right to acquire anything? Some people have more....some people have less. That is just life and it is never going to change.

This happened over a month ago

Are you slow?

You mad?....hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

HW’s sock game is beyond reproach....most people agree

This poor girl’s father committed suicide. She has had to live with that horrible fact all of her life. In some ways it has defined her. Why not cut her some slack about keeping a memento.

“muttering nutbag” seem to be a pretty decent writer. However when you utilize childish insults as a windup, it seriously detracts from any point you are trying to make.

It is absolutely disturbing that a man as accomplished as Lamar Odom needs to be discussed in the context of the Kardashians. is pretty much the landlord’s call at this point.

Never going to happen

Ask Brad Pitt, Mike Ditka and the rest of the famous Sigma Chi’s (the list is huge) how it all worked out.

I was a Sigma Chi and we actually had a white leather joke

You are joking right?