
Charlie Day played baseball in high school and for a while in college before focusing on theater.

When a white guy is grappling with a black man in this day in age it would've been hyper-unrealistic if the cops hadn't shot the black man.

Having the zombie fall on your machete is the western district way.

What is purple? I know yellow is Asian, brown is Latino, black is black, what the hell is purple?

Michael actually has the beard because in the last episode he moves to the Pacific northwest to become a lumberjack.

Harry was hiding in the canyon spying on Megan's apartment. That's why the coyotes were howling.

He was playing Galaga

That is a fairly common format for a joke. In "City Slickers" Billy Crystal said, "I'm losing hair in places where I'm supposed to have hair, and growing hair in places where I'm not supposed to have hair." Or something along those lines. Anyway, it probably wasn't stolen, smart people can independently arrive at the

Walt may be the one who knocks, but Todd is the one who rings the doorbell. I hope Todd gets the ricin, he needs to die slowly. 

Duh, "Lost", you don't kill your main character in the pilot, you kill him in Episode 9 like "Game of Thrones" did.