bob sample

You MADd bro? Where can I hire him!!!

I’d rather be able to walk up to the drivethrough then to share a bathroom with a trany. I hope he wins!!!

I’ll be interested when a stock one can drive up Pike’s Peak without overheating.

My state had less fatalities this year... so take that :P I win... send me prize!!!

I like the drivetrain, hate the car.

This proably isn’t the time or the place, but someone has to report that FORZA 6 got realeased on PC today!!!

Yeah... second change you make without even acknowledging my post. Classless.

993 not 933.... c’mon what is this amature hour? First with Rolls-Royce story now this.

Not to rain on your parade, but the Rolls Royce Phantom and derived vehicles already use an aluminum chassis.

Not to rain on your parade, but the Rolls Royce Phantom and derived vehicles already use an alluminium chassis.

Not to rain on your parade, but the Rolls Royce Phantom and derived vehicles already use an alluminium chassis.

Not to rain on your parade, but the Rolls Royce Phantom and derived vehicles already use an alluminium chassis.

Not to rain on your parade, but the Rolls Royce Phantom and derived vehicles already use an alluminium chassis.