Bob Sackamano

These drinks could very well be from the same restaurant and same server.

Well said as usual, Jack.

I’m not a big vintage guy, but I did once own a 1969 Seamaster. It was pretty cool opening up that caseback.

The author doesn’t get it, and that’s OK. Lots of people collect dolls, knives, cars, whatever. I don’t get those things, and it’s OK, too.

$1M? How much do you think Rolexes cost? They typically range from about $5K-$15K, unless you’re talking about precious metals or gemstones, which still don’t go up that high.

This guy gets it.

You really are a broken record.

My understanding is that Brian May and the other remaining members of Queen had a lot of creative control. I’m sure they were most concerned with their legacy.



There are plenty of legitimate reasons to not like this movie. It’s grossly inaccurate (do a little reading - a ton of it is made up or the timeline is wrong), the cinematography isn’t great, the acting is just OK (except for Malek), and the screenplay is suspect.

Wow. Who peed in your Cheerios?

I thought it was an intentionally terrible song, too. Despite that, the album  and the movie are terrific!

Is that ball green or yellow?

If you want to make more money, you have to generate more revenue. If every player in the WNBA was paid the same as NBA players, the WNBA would be bankrupt in a matter of months.

The ignorance of this article is astounding.