Bob Sacamano

JENNIFER LAWRENCE Actually had a Higher % of Pay than ROBERT DOWNEY JR,
The reason why J.LAW Made $52 Million and DOWNEY Made $80 Million is
because J.LAW'S MOCKINGJAY Made Only $750 Million and DOWNEY'S AGE OF
ULTRON Made $1.4 Billion, if MOCKINGJAY Would've made $1.4 Billion then
J.LAW'S Pay Would've been MORE than

TYRESE GIBSON should Contact WB/DC now to be GREEN LANTERN because now
that the Movie will be Called GREEN LANTERN CORPS that means they will
have Several GREEN LANTERNS and i'm sure they will need a BLACK GREEN
LANTERN, So this is TYRESE BIG CHANCE……………Call WB/DC Asap!