Bob Rooney

his kid is worse than the nazi!

dang, that sucks. thanks for the heads u though. i might just wait it it finishes and watch all at once, skipping through the dull parts.

agreed. he needs to be fed to the munchers for his lack of intelligence and really stupid bieber haircut.

my gawd, this show is so boring this season. it keeps dragging its feet like a dead turd. very painful to watch. all filler, no thriller.

that depends. if you buy into that area early on, you'll make a killing in profits in 5 years when you sell it off. this exactly happened to me. renters are great economy boosters as they dont tend to save and just spend, so it sucks to be them as they will eventually be priced out.

let me pay you the child labor wage you deserve.

I've been ravished! lol