
The only thing worse than the smell of Subway is when you're forced to go to a Wal-Mart that decided, in the best interest of our senses, to have a nail salon right next to it.

We would go there or the arcade in the basement of the Century mall. I would play Tron all damn day.

There is one in Golf Mill. I actually think there is still an arcade there.

There was a place called Diversions in the Lincoln Village area of Chicago. I remember Ed Boon used to show up there and people would mob him like a war hero. We would hear the same stories from the dude himself. So he did nothing to squelch that talk.

Watching that person fight as Kung Lao just helps reinforce the fact that I have no and will never have no game.

People not using Ferra/Torr are really missing out. She/he is amazing to play as and they have become my main.


Squirrel-Tiger loves tomatoes!

So how much does it cost to watch this video?

I recently started my weight loss program with strength training being the primary focus. I have been at it for about 4 months and in that time I "only" lost 8 pounds but I went down 3 pant sizes.


I have two kids. As far as my parents and in-laws go I have only had sex twice.

Since you're doing Internet Famous when are going to give us our "Legend of Libby Hoeller"?

Damn straight on.

Nintendo has such a rabid fan base that this is the norm for them. They've been doing this since I was a kid (NES).

Haha. Flying vacations. I don't know why that sounds so funny.

Someone's been skipping their leg day.

Fucking Metal Gear. I always think how good this series would be if they played it a little straight. Then I go see something like this and realize it's perfect for what it is.

The staff at the bar should have called the cops.

Bah, I'm sure there everyone else had phones so the guy recording isn't at fault in any way. Other people could have called.