
At the very least because consistent with your chosen Hispanic nom de guerre.

The Savior captured was named Primo not Paulo nor Pablo. Time change really got to you this week, eh?

There were no A-wings at the Battle of Yavin.

That reminds me, I need to call my mother-in-law . .

I can't unsee it now.

That was stupid good. Star for you.

Yeah, I watched it a few times. The tailgater was riding the brake-checker too hard. Also people saying the BC is at fault need to consider that the TG was possibly going over what would be considered a reasonable overage of the speed limit. The video shows that BC was gaining on the cars in the right lane just not at

Hollywood wizardry at work.

Do you read Sutter Kane?

The documents, for instance, point out that one Mayor asked the Marine Corps to find potholes in his city using its drones.

Go back and change it so we can debate "Who hugged first".

Is it possible that using the Coulson character in the TV series prevents AOS from inhabiting the MCU due to the larger emotional component that the Avengers would have knowing Coulson is still alive?

I have a feeling it might be all four.

Hey, I'm gonna let you in on a little secret....It's a TV show and none of the characters are real. Promise not to tell anyone?

But who will little Rick/Shane/Lori’s baby play with growing up?!?! Seriously though, I totes follow and agree.

That makes perfect sense.

Probably easier for them to store the armory off-site in the event the main compound is hit. I think what we saw is a back-up group that would spring into action if something went down at the main HQ.

Plus Heath is going to be the star of the new 24 reboot, "24 Legacy". So for me that's pretty much a nail in the coffin.

I'm hoping they keep him around. I'm enjoying his emotional 180. Plus quoting scriptures from a meek man is always creepy-cool in my book.

Yeah, somehow I think you're right. Especially with the cast talking about how "sickening" the finale is. My thoughts are they're going to take out a few main cast members. Nothing is better for the budget of a show than removing a lot of old salary.