
20 years ago CW was actually putting real stuff out there, and it seemed sincere. Since then it all seems about keeping himself directly in the middle of the spotlight and maintaining his celebrity. Done with that guy.

That’s giving Piece of Shit a bad name by associating them with Jason Miller.

Quite likely the only person on TV dumber than Don Lemon is Tucker Carlson.

That’s a lot of words.

Man, this part of GM seems to need an editor much like some of the others, because it’s turning into some nonsensical, virtue signaling, click-baiting idiocy.

Best album so far of 2021. Great sound, great lyrics and just a tight, strong band. Can’t get enough of it.

Her entire act would be a lot more watchable if she was funny in the least bit. Anyone can ask uncomfortable, cringe questions, but sadly that’s kind of it. So much promise and so little payoff.

Absolutely. As they like to say ‘let the Lord sort them out’.

Adjunct professor here for 16 years, and I’ve never heard any conversation like this with any other professor, dean, administrator, etc...

Worst ever? Not even the worst HBO show turned into a movie ever. That distinction belongs to the Entourage movie. Not only was it terrible, but it ruined everyone’s career involved.

I know this is very complicated, but...

Yes, to this. There were stories back when he was chosen about how Trump didn’t want to pick him because he couldn’t understand how a man Pence’s age and background only had something like $30K in the bank (and basically all he had to his name). Trump thought he was a loser and it would make him look bad. I guess that

Well, there goes the name of my next/first punk band:

This article is amazingly superficial on understanding anything about what this move is about or what it accomplishes. First, now that Biden can put his judges in place (thanks, GA) he can replace Garland’s seat with a much younger judge. That’s a huge win. It also allows Garland a prominent spot he should have gotten

Had a chance to meet Viola and her husband several years ago at a very small fundraising event. They are both wonderful people, and completely engaging. She has the type charisma that just draws you in and makes you want to hang out with her all the time. Just wonderful folks.

So, she hasn’t had one minute on the job, but she’s supposed to be horrible because she Twitters? Does this site even have an editor anymore?

Good for him. I’m glad to see him discover the intersection between expressing his conscience and capitalism. He gets to speak his truth and learn the other truth - that colleges are money-making machines and will do anything to keep that river flowing. Firing this idiot was probably the easiest decision that

It doesn’t matter what you believe.

You were saying? Maybe you should be a little more discerning in the news sources you pay attention to.

“He (Biden) is a deeply problematic white man who generates no enthusiasm with the electorate.”