Bobo Chimpan

<slow clap="">

An aficionado of the Panama Geisha, I see!

Getting pranked by LameSame:

There's also the framing, especially in this episode, of "we have to do terrible things" because "we don't have any other choice." The theme of having to do terrible things to survive has always been central to the story, but the more it comes up the easier it is to see the writers in the background pulling the


I had that experience for a moment! That moment of cognitive dissonance when the cut made it seem like snooping Paige was about to walk in on Brenda and trail-mix…

Not knowing anything whatsoever about what to do in town, on the other hand…

I was wondering the same thing…

Peter Bogdanovich in the commentary track claims that George was played by Asta. He extensively interviewed Howard Hawks, so if anybody would know…

You ever try Malta Goya?

It's going on in both countries. It seems like there's a serious "Jesus is coming, look busy" vibe with the food shortage. Everybody's getting leaned on to find a solution, so Directorate S is trying to blame the Americans, and the KGB is trying to blame black marketeers… it seems nobody in power wants to admit that

It was especially creepy how they intercut it with her mom getting it on with Gorp Guy.

When he pulled out the book, I was half expecting it to be Anna Karenina, except you wouldn't need the physical kniga itself to quote the first line…

"No time for love, Dr. Jones!"

Upvoted for you named your dog Asta.

I don't think the blame lies with Philip or his wig… that lady is the coldest of cold fish. They coulda sent in period-appropriate Richard Gere or Harrison Ford and gotten the same reaction.

well, he did suddenly get REALLY TALL. I hear ladies like the gangly slavic look

You heard right. Fermented rye bread

Especially with Mama Oleg encouraging him to do what he has to do… I was def. getting a "noble sacrifice that comes too late" vibe from the whole setup