Bobo Chimpan

The lab guy said he was contracting to Agricorp, while the first guy S&A talked to worked for Aeroflot. Close, but not quite.

oh yeah… JJ hasn't been in the past two Netflix seasons, except for Luke and Pops talking about his psycho ex who shot him and Joy mentioning getting her blackmail material from a private investigator "who is pretty good when she isn't drunk" in like… episode 10?

When was the last you were reading? I stopped after the Matt Fraction run, the last issue of which had Danny and Misty sleeping together and him wanting to know what they WERE to each other but her being cagey.

I didn't need the picture… it was pretty obvious who it would be (who else could it be?) and I just happened to see the headline right before I watched the episode.

I would've been shocked and amazed if I hadn't seen that "[Redacted]'s Return" headline before watching the show. Which got my wheels to turning "who could that be?" and every scene in Russia I was waiting for Martha to pop up.

That did not look like a dacha on the Black Sea…

thiiiiiiiiiiiird base!

I had the same thought— instead of "force of will" it shoulda said "force of skill"

I have to admit to an immoderate fist-pump when Claire got the phone number off Colleen's flier at the end of LC

In the comics

I thought they were setting Claire up to become Night Nurse… who is an actual Marvel Universe character who basically does what Claire already does— patch up hurt superheroes at all hours of the day and night.

At this point Homeland could turn into Shakespeare and it would still get maybe a B+ on here. I've skipped even reading the whinge-fest reviews and go straight to the comments.

So watch-cap man takes orders from people other than Dar… which leaves the possibility open that Dar's not himself involved in the cartoon supervillain evil of blowing up Sekou…

Well, no Fat Cobra… but episode 6 did give us Bride of Nine Spiders

Jeebus… I'll just start calling them Avon Barksdale and The Riddler

Tell me my electric kettle is safe!

There was also the shot of Jaha looking at the SD symbol. They'll turn up in some shape or form sooner or later…

I have not read the books, but I have a hard time believing that Miller and his crystalized stalk-object aren't being reincarnated as purple sugarcubes on Venus and will rejoin us eventually as a living planet of wub

I never bought a microwave, now there's one in every room…

Were I the FX CEO of butts, I would say "why not?" Legion had equal opportunity derrieres. Sadly, I have no such pull…